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This page is dedicated to all of our "critters"! At the present time...we have in our little "family"...two very handsome young male kitty's...(Kenny and Kyle)...three frisky little furball ferrets...(Bandit, Nipper, and Hershey) uniquely irresistable Uromastyx lizard...(Odin)...two itsy bitsy dwarf frogs...(Bud and Weis----yes, sadly "er" passed away a year ago!)...three fish..(sorry no names!) and finally seven hermit (and we do mean HERMIT) crabs...(no names except the biggest...(Rufus) and the smallest (Squirt)...Well, that's it for our "critters"! If the house were bigger, I'm sure there'd be more!

...don't forget to check back...


(The meerkat above is NOT promoting cigarette smoking...notice how he takes one puff and quickly snuffs it out...SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU--okay,enough of a light?)

...this song is for you Mel...

ALMOST.....< font color=black>forgot the crabs!!!