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This is obviously not a photo of me and Ken...If you want to see us, check out our "family pics" page...I hope you will stick around and view some of the other pages!!!

A little bit about us...both Ken and I are in our early thirties but, basically act sixteen! We haven't yet invested in a computer but are doing just fine with our "web-tv" browser.(would highly recommend it to anyone...) We are not yet married but, plan on it very soon!

Ken is a wonderful artist and I hope to display some of his work on the web as soon as possible! Me...I am just a "web-junkie"! Spend most of my time on this thing.

We have a lot in common; love children, love animals, and most importantly---we LOVE each other. Yes, we kind of are a "real-life" Barbie-n-Ken... except of course, for the tattoos!!!

click here to read Ken's first poem to me!!

click here for the second!!

click here for the third!!!

Did we mention we love kids???? Please visit the sites below...Every one of us must do whatever we can to make this a safer world for "our" children...

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Cyan Teardrop 
Graphic to Support Abused 


Hope you'll continue on...