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Jonathan Knight

This man is by far, my favorite New Kid. He has always been the quietest of the group, so I guess that is the main reason I like him. He seemed so shy during all the Hype, and I too am a bit shy, though I do enjoy performing. Some people even argue that he was outta place with the Kids. I personally don't think so. I think that the New Kids, unlike `N Sync had a guy from all different perspectives. Jon was the Shy Quiet type. He was also the oldest member of the group, well lets not say oldest. Lets say most mature.



mmm, isn't he just scrumptious?

couldn't u just eat him up? (hehe)


as all my palz on the kngihtofmylife mailing list know, This man is my dreamboat. hehe, And this man ofmystery who left the public eye completely when the Kids Disbursed, has been said to be into Real Estate. Can you honestly tell me that if this man tried to sell you a house that u could tell him no? I honestly can say, any house he sold me would be ok. Afterall, A man with this face couldn't sell somehting that was faulty...Could he??

when i figure out how to make the links the way i want em, then i am gonna put some more pics up!!