January 1st is Stacey's birthday!
February 3rd is the Royal Mum's birthday plus Matt's birthday!
March 4th is Rita's 52st birthday!
March 10th is Verna's(nee Gimby) birthday!
March 22nd is Rick & Cindy's nephew Kris' birthday!
March 28th is Cindy's dad Norman's 85th birthday.
April 4th is Nathaniel Cole Neumann's second birthday!
April 11 is Bill Well's birthday!
April 16th is Cindy's 46th birthday!
April 18th is the Johnson's 2st wedding anniversary!
April 22nd is Royals first-date anniversary!
May 26th is Ron Biggar's 51th birthday!
June 1st is the Cables' 3nd wedding anniversary!
June 3rd is the Tuckers' 28th wedding anniversary
June 21st is Grump 'n Grannie's 50th wedding anniversary!
June 22nd is Freddie Wells birthday.
June 23rd is Mike Browns birthday.
June 24th is the Mains' 11th wedding anniversary.
July 7th is Rick's 47th birthday!
July 9 - 18th is the Calgary Stampede! (No vacancy at the Royal Inn...book now for next year!)
July 10th is Geo's birthday!
July 10th is Mike Royal's birthday.
July 19th is Granny's 82nd birthday.
July 25th is Tony & Kendra's 2st anniversary!
August 4th is Noel's birthday.
August 5th is Kendra's birthday.
August 8th is Aunt Helen's 90th birthday bash to be held in Calgary.
August 11th is Tamara & Anthony's 5th wedding anniversary.
August 24th is Kyle's birthday.
September 13th is cousinsDavid and Bobby's birthday.
September 25th is Cindy's Sister-in-law Linda's 46th birthday.
October 1st...2 year ago the Royals left B.C.
October 25th is Daughter Chelsea's 20th birthday.
October 25th is the Millers' 26th wedding anniversary.
December 2nd is Rick & Cindy's Son-in-law Anthony's 32st birthday.
December 12th is Rick & Cindys oldest Daughter Tamara's 28th birthday.
December 16th is Cindy's Brother Brian's 48th birthday.
December 31th is Aunt Marian Brannan's (nee Gimby) 72nd birthday.
Missed a date? Send it to us!
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