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Grad Class of 1999

Chelsea's '99 school photo

May 28 1999...Yale Senior Secondary held their class of '99 "Grad" ceremony at the Seven Oaks Alliance Church in Abbotsford. Class of '99!


Tamara, Chelsea & Mom
(nice truck in background)

We three girls...Tamara, Chelsea (Cap & Gown)& mom proudly posing for a picture before going into the ceremony


Tamara & the Boo!
(Who does own that "red" Ford?)

our girls


...the "Boo"!

The Boo!...nothing else need be said


...the waiting...
("P" is a long ways in the alphabet!)

the long wait to be called to receive your diploma


the hand shake...

shaking hands with the School principal as the diploma is received


more hands to shake..

everyone has their hand out wanting to shake


the golf tee exchange for her diploma


leaving the stage...a graduate!

...and so it begins...schools out for ever!


The hat toss!


The morning after the "lock in"!

bags under her eyes...

The Prom


Fresh out of the salon.
Chelsea just from the beauty shop...money well spent


Mom & Chels


...decked out!
Chelsea becomes Cinderella...now off to the ball


Class of 1999
the grad class at the drop off point




Chelsea and her buds


The girls!


Chelsea & Amanda
Chelsea and her best bud


Chelsea & Rick
(nice truck in background)
Chelsea & Rick just before <i>we</i> adults left them to party