Just send your Name, Address, Age, and E-mail addy PLUS $10 to:
To contact the guys via E-mail, write to Eeezra@aol.com
call the fan hotline@ (504)899-8371.
Also, feel free to give the guys your feedback to let them know what you think about their new page,
if you're going to a show and wanna hear a certain song, put in your request by dropping them a line.
For the latest info on the boys, why not sign up for the Ezralite Alert?
And to get concert reviews from all the other Ezralites, sign up for "BTE Live!" by sending an e-mail to btelive-subscribe@makelist.com
You can also receive concert pics taken by other Ezralites by subscribing to "Picture This!" Just by send an e-mail to picturethis-subscribe@makelist.com
This Better than Ezra Ring is owned byTamara. |