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Guild of the ELEMENTS

The main 5 elements are "Ether", "Air" , "Fire" , "Water" and "Earth."

These "Elements" have fascinated people since the beginning of time. All "human" religion started with element worship. There is a lot to cover, but I shall do my best to explain the basics. Various religions have incorporated the elements into their practices:


"Fire" is sometimes called the "element of destruction", but I will refer to it as the element of "Energy." Fire consumes everything in sight and it does not stop until there is nothing left. It is good for getting rid of unwanted things and is the embodiment of "inspiration." Fire consumes air, evaporates water and scorches earth. A few examples are: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; the digestive system; the combustion engine; the color red; and the direction south.


"Air" is the element of "Change." As all things must change air shows us that nothing is permanent. Air can wear down the mightiest of mountains and blow the hair on a baby's head, but unlike fire, it cannot be confined permanently. It is truly "free." Air feeds fire, moves water and scatters earth. A few examples are: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini; the respiratory system; a carburetor; the color blue; and the direction west.

"Water" is the element of "communication." It is constantly in motion and brings with it change. Water shows us that "where there's a will there's a way."It heals and on it's own is cool to the touch and comforting. Water traps air in bubbles, extinguishes fire and gives life to earth. A few examples are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; The circulatory system (excluding the heart); a cooling system; the color black; and the direction north.


"Earth" is sometimes called the "element of creation", but here I will refer to it as the element of "Form." Earth protects us from the ravishing of the other elements. It gives us security and has a tendency to suffocate, but it also creates life. (It even takes our excess and uses it to fertilize!) Earth smothers fire, confines air, and channels water. A few examples are: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo; the skeletal system; the body(of the vehicle); the color yellow; and the direction east.

"Ether"(or "Space") is the element of void. It is the most enigmatic of the five. In fact most systems leave it out simply because it is so complicated to understand and there are no "direct" effects from omitting it. It is my belief that the omission of this very concept is the way that we as human beings have forsaken our own "spirituality" (not to be confused with religion) for so long. It is the "Essence of Majick" because without ether nothing would exist and yet everything we do we do so we can return to it! "Metaphysics" is basically the study of ether.Ether is the origin and destination of everything.We can neither prove nor disprove it's existence, but we cannot deny it's "presence." Some examples of ether are: The Zodiac; the "Soul"; the "feel" of a new car; the color white; and the direction center.

Astrology fits into the Guild of Elements simply because it extends further than the body, mind or soul. Astrology encompasses many areas most of which have been broken down(during the renaissance) into the main subjects you study in school, i.e.; "Science", "Mathematics", "Art", "Literature" and "Physical Education." In fact, recently, we have even simplified those into just "science" and "art." As you can see the "Zodiac" has been completely left out. It is difficult to explain why things effect us the way they do, but a little research and we cannot deny that they do and we may even understand "how".

Learn about the Zodiac

The Zodiac is broken down into 12 houses:

The first house of Self (ruled by Aries);
The second house of Money and Possessions (ruled by Taurus);
The third house of Communication (ruled by Gemini);
The fourth house of Home (ruled by Cancer);
The fifth house of Creativity and Sex (ruled by Leo);
The sixth house of Service and Health (ruled by Virgo);
The seventh house of Partnership and Marriage (ruled by Libra);
The eighth house of Death and Regeneration (ruled by Scorpio);
The ninth house of Mental Exploration and Long Distance Travel (ruled by Sagittarius);
The tenth house of Career and public standing (ruled by Capricorn);
The eleventh house of Friends, Hopes and Wishes (ruled by Aquarius); and
The twelvth house of Secret, Sorrow and Self-Undoing (ruled by Pisces).

The houses are then divided into 4 groups:

1)Leaders(Aries,Cancer,Libra and Capricorn) the group that denotes areas of prominence;
2)Organizers(Taurus,Leo,Scorpio,Aquarius)the group of stability;
3)Communicators (Gemini,Virgo,Sagittarius,Pisces)the group of mental activity and finally
4) the Elements: Air(Libra,Aquarius,Gemini); Fire (Aries,Leo,Sagittarius); Water (Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces); and Earth(Capricorn,Taurus,Virgo).

This categorization is based on inherent characteristics each of the signs exhibit and then grouping those signs together. Every thing is effected by the movement of the planets. To find the effects of or make a prediction we use a "Chart."

A chart is a calculation of the position each of the planets (including the sun and moon)were in at the time (past or future)you desire to know about.

There are many different kinds of charts. The most common kind being the "Natal" chart. This is a chart cast at the exact moment of birth. Regardless of the type of chart desired they are all figured in the same way. You measure the position of the planets at a particular time and determine the degree of affect the planet makes at that time.

The Sun rules Leo: the Moon rules Cancer, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Taurus(temporarily) and Libra, Mars rules Aries, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, Saturn rules Capricorn, Uranus rules Aquarius, Neptune rules Pisces, Pluto rules Scorpio and when "Pan Horus" is discovered it will be Taurus' rightful owner.

With the combination of all of these planets we can determine Horoscopes, Soulmates, Past lives, Karma and even so called "Psychic reading."

Learn the Zodiac
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