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Astrologers vs Psychics

With the rash of phone psychics now spreading across the world I felt it necessary to explain a little about each of these fascinating fields. Both of these people have the ability to foresee the future and give advice or insights to an individual or group, but there is a difference.

A psychic is blessed with the gift of "clarivoyance". This is the ability to see into the future or past without having ever been there or received information from another source. This gift comes from having the third eye awakened. Usually it is awakened from development you have underwent in previous lives, but occasionally it is bestowed upon an individual from the " Divine."

An astrologer learns the knowledge of " Astrology". It is not a gift in itself, but a knowledge learned through diligent studying and application. An astrologer looks to the planets (Sun and Moon included) for the information necessary to make a "prediction" of what will come if one does not change their current course.

The confusion that developes between these two types of readings comes when either one does not know the diffrence or there is confusion in their methods of advertisment. Either way with this knowledge, you can avoid confusion.

Psychics have a gift and as with all gifts it can only be used to benifit others, never for self gain. One who has been bestowed with a gift desires only to help, never to extort. If a so called "psychic" seeks to entertain and askes for your birth date, they are using Astrology to make their prediction. A Psychic must have some connection with you to tell you anything personal. Certain Psychics have the gift to predict the future on a wider scale as in predicting a nations course. These predictions are easier to make because you only have to tap in to a group as a whole instead of focusing on one person. These people always give their premenitions for free and for the benifit of all. If a gift is abused it will be taken away.

It is important to note: when dealing with Astrology no future is unchangeable. As we get to know ourselves we become familar with our limitations and we can better steer our path into future. Astrology is just a tool that can help us get to know ourselves.

Hopefully this will clarify a few things about psychic readings. As Metaphysics is rediscovered across the world, more and more people will use it for the benifit of all and not just as a "get rich quick" scheme. Here at D's Metaphysical you will always find people willing to help and enlighten.


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