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Cozy Den Archive

Some Acronyms to know:

DH - dear/darling husband or darn/danged/da*n husband, etc.
DD - dear daughter, etc
DS - dear son, etc
MIL - mother-in-law
SIL - sister-in-law
BIL - brother-in-law
FIL - father-in-law
*S* - Smiling
*G* - Grinning
LOL - Laughing out loud
ROFL - roll on the floor laugh
roflol - Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
roflmao - Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
roflmbo - Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
roflmbotrdf - Roll on Floor laugh my butt off tears roll down face
IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
SAHM -stay at home mom WB = welcome back
((((name)))) = hugging that person
TIA = thanks in advance
peeps = people (not really an acronym but it confused me at first so I thought I would throw it in)
BB = bulletin board (that's what this is)
CR = chat room
BTW = by the way
AFK - Away from keyboard
FWIW - For what it's Worth
GMTA - Great minds think alike
GD&R - Grinning, ducking & Running
GD&RVVF - Grinning, Ducking and Running very very fast
IOW - In other words
IRL - In real life
OTOH - on the other hand
TTYL -Talk to you later!!
TTFN - Ta Ta for now
AFK - Away From keyboard
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GD&R - Grinning, Ducking & Running
GD&RVVVF - Grinning, Ducking & Running Very Very Fast
OIC - Oh, I See
PITA -Pain In The A$$
WTG - is way to go
CU - see you
CUL - see you later
TOL - thinking out loud
(;-) - Smiley
:-) or :) - a smile
*<(;-) - Santa Smiley
((((((cyberhugs enclosed))))))
:* - a kiss
:X - my lips are sealed
:D or :-D - laughing or grinning
;-) - a wink
:-( or :( - a frown
:-P - sticking out tongue
O:) - an angel
:'( - crying
(- - tongue in cheek
Gestures enclosed in parentheses or asterisks are also used, such as (::waving::) or *waving*.
Typing all in CAPS is considered shouting on the internet (and rude).
WTG - way to go
CU - see you
CUL - see you later
IIRC - If I remember correctly
AFAIK - As far as I know

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