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HTML Tutorials Online

This page is devoted entirely to links to tutorial web sites. If you didn't find answers to your html questions in The Cozy Den sure will find it thru these links!!!

  • The First Tutorial site I ever heard of was: Draac's School of HTML

  • This one is an excellent site crammed full of more than you can image. Browse thru their excellently indexed site. Never know what you might learn! Writing HTML..Maricopa center for learning and instruction

  • This site is also well laid out and chock full of info. It is suggested by Angelfire for HTML info. WebMonkey

  • One more personal favorite...not as easy to locate items when you want them in a hurry, but I liked this guys style! Also sends a newsletter you can sign up for...full of ...GOODIES!!!! HTML Goodies-the Tutorial

  • This one is at Netscape's site.
    It is a WebBuilding page. Look over towards the right a little and you'll see a list titles TOOLKIT. Check 'em out! The Color Picker is WAAAAYYYYY KEWL! You can use it to chose any color and it will show you the hexidecimal code (that is the =#6699ff you use for color commands). You can download the color picker to disk and just open and use it later without having to go to the web site every time you want a color!! KEWL!!! Tons of info packed into those tools.

  • The next site is an Earthlink site (my ISP) and is also chock full of topics. Some of these tutorials are waaayyy excellent!!! Check 'em out.
    Their tutorial for TABLES is a good one!

  • This one was saved from the Cozy Den Forum. I've never visited them personally, but someone recommended them! Davesite Webstation

  • Same thing as above for this site! Rookies HTML

    If you have a favorite turorial site that is not included here, please post it at the Cozy Den Help Section and we will include it here!!!

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