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Setting up Web Site to Store Images
or midis, wavs or any type of file!

In the time since I originally posted this page, Tripod has CHANGED THE RULES.
They no longer allow linking of certain file types (jpg for example) from their sites to other sites and will only allow you to link images to web pages built on their site. There is talk that they will also be limiting linking of other file types in the near future. SO....I no longer suggest Tripod as the best place to get a web site! At this time Angelfire is still allowing unlimited usage of images stored on their sites, so, if you are intending to get a site to store images (or sounds) with the intention of linking to other sites (Such as the Cozy Den), go to to sign up for a FREE WEB SITE. It is easy to navigate and easy to learn how to upload.


Okay..Holly Oh gave me this idea. I will try to explain how to get a web site and upload images to it so everyone can do it!

      First thing to do is to go and sign up for your site. I have one at Tripod. It is easy to navigate and fairly easy to understand!!!! Go get a site!     Tripod sign up     Bookmark or add this to your Favorites when you get there. You will be using it alot! If you already have a site you can still get a Tripod site. Think up a users name and remember that it will be in the address of every file you upload, so you don't want your whole real name spreading across the internet. Make up a handle if you don't already have a favorite. Now, make sure you remember or write down your password 'cause you can not get back in to upload or manage your files without your password and user name!

      Okay, you have a site now. Let's go there! If you click that same link, it will take you back to the sign in window. Enter your user name and password. If I put the correct link, it should take you right to the     FILEMANAGER,    which is where we want to be. We'll worry about Quick Page and Free Form Editor later! I have attached a capture of my file manager with notes scribbled all over it.     Click here to open it in a new window.     It ain't purty but I tried to define some of the functions!

      At this point, I suggest you think about what you plan to upload and store. You can just dump them all in there but after a while it can get messy and difficult to locate what you were looking for! So we want to set up a bunch of files or DIRECTORIES. Decide what you are going to want. You can create directories and sub directories, or just have bunches of directories. I have one directory for IMAGES and a bunch of subdirectories inside Smilies, Welcomes, Birthdays, Dancers, Alien things, OZ (special for Y-brick!) and several other sub directories. I also have Directories for Sounds, and Backgrounds.

      Click on the little pointy deal next to FILE-options and choose NEW DIRECTORY. A window will pop open ready for you to type the name. They are a little picky about what symbols you can use and there are no spaces allowed. So enter a name for your first directory. And click OK. "They" suggest that you use all lower case letters when naming directories. Now go make some more directories, or if you want to make sub directories, you have to go click on the name of the directory where you want a sub directory and open it up. A little window will pop open that says LOADING...PLEASE WAIT. You have to wait until it is done to do anything! your directories and/or sub directories!

      Now that we have a nice little system of directories and subdirectories all lined up, it is time to start to upload those files. You must first save an image (or file) to your computer to upload it to your page. There is a deal call a TRANSLOADER that will allow one to load an image from one site to another. That is what our WebTv friends must do. But that is a whole other subject and besides...I know absolutelyl NOTHING about it!!! LOL!!!

            One thing to note before you start uploading files...there is a box you can check to OVERWRITE files. If this box is checked and you upload another file with the same name as one you already uploaded, it WILL overwrite the the first file and it will be lost. If you do not check this box and you attempt to upload a file with the same name as one already uploaded, it will stop the upload process and can get real confusing. So, be careful naming the files you are uploading and don't have more than one file with the same name.

      Now you are ready to upload some files! First open the directory where you want the files to appear. If you don't have the directory open, it will dump the files just in there. That is can move them around once you get them online BUT you don't want to move them around once you post them because moving them changes the location address and will make your images on the posts disappear! (been there done that!) If you are unsure what directory you are in, look above the list of files, or if there are no files uploaded yet, look above the box where files will go and you should see an address....something like this: user name     That would indicate you are in your MAIN Directory. user name/images     Would indicate you are in your Images subdirectory. And, user name/images/flowers     would indicated a sub directory inside Images.

      After you open the directory, you can click open the FILE - Options menu and click on UPLOAD or there is a cute little blue arrow above the FILE - Options window that says UPLOAD when you point to it. Click UPLOAD and a window will pop open. This window will allow you to upload up to eight files at a time. Click the BROWSE button and it will pop open a window with your computers files in it. NOW...remember where you stored your images???? Surf to it. Find the first file you want to upload, click it and click OPEN. The name and location of the file will appear in the UPLOAD Window. Go down to the next box and repeat the process. Keep going until you fill all eight boxes. If you don't have eight images you want to put in that directory at this time, no problem, you can do one at a time or two or whatever up to eight! Next click the UPLOAD button. There is one at the top right corner or one under the eight files, on the right. Sit back and wait a couple minutes while it grabs the files and copies them online for you! That is it. That is all it takes! You now have images stored online to link to for all time! LOL!!!

      One little note: If you have more than eight files to upload...after the first batch is uploaded, it will give you the option to GO BACK TO UPLOAD or CLOSE. I always pick CLOSE and then UPLOAD again. If you pick BACK TO UPLOAD, it does not erase the names of all the files you just uploaded and can get real confusing! I have found it easier to just go back and start with blank boxes!!!

      Now you are probably wondering, BUT HOW DO I KNOW THEIR ADDRESSES! No problem! Open a browser window and type in:
http;// USER NAME/    
(do not type the WORDS "your user name"...type the user name you picked for yourself!) Click go or enter and you should see a page that says...INDEX OF/your user name!!! Bookmark or add that location to your Favorites. Now you can click on the directories and open them and click on the files and view them. You can right click on the name of a file and click Copy Link Location (Netscape) or Copy Shortcut (in IE). That will grab the address of the image file and save it on your clipboard. Now you can go back to the Cozy Den, Open a message and paste it in there! You will have to add the < img src=" and the " > before and after the address.
      Whew...there you go! All there is to it!!! Now go crazy grabbing images and things and upload them to your own site! No fear of stealing bandwidth from others sites! It is yours, all yours!!!! Just try to be careful not to steal copyrighted images! People frown on that a bit!!! LOL!!!!

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