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Adding Sounds to your Posts

You should be hearing a tune RIGHT NOW!!! If you are not, make sure you HAVE a sound card, and check to see if your speakers are turned on and turned up.

(And I hope Tripod hasn't decided I can't link to my sound files!!! LOL!!!)

"Embed or Background Style" - The one Betty uses for "Name That Tune ".     It "Auto Plays"!

  • First select your sound file. Make sure you have permission to link to the site or have it stored on your own site!!!!!
  • Now you have the address (URL) for the sound file, so... type (or copy & paste and make changes to) this command:

    <embed src=""> <no embed>

    And you will get this:

    You can Pause this method to stop the tune and then click the > to play again, but stop does not work due to the bgsound command!

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