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The 25th Letter

Written On: 4-27-98

Greetings again honored citizens of the clan, as no doubt many of yea know, rumors art abound throughout the wing, rumors of war abound, well though i am loathe to speak it, war comes.

Jonathan Windance hath shifted alignment, he is now chaotic evil, and is, if informants speak truly, going to order the mass slaughter of all men, women, children, and noncombatants in the M.A. in an attempt to restore it to its old days of blood and conquest.

This CANNOT, and WILL not, be allowed. By an old agreement with spook, i wilt do nothing against him unless he begins wanton slaughter etc. But if indeed he doth begin it, then we have no choice but to intervene. I wilt do what i can to see if i can stop this afore it goes further, but until then, citizens in dragondale, the refugees that art fleeing the m.a. wilt be headed to yea under guard by the assamites. The Blue Tiger Clan, the Circle, and others wilt likely be sent there for a time, until the empire can sort this out.

If it cannot be...then we cannot let this come to pass. Nor wilt we.

And on a lighter note, the Constitution hath been written, twill be official on next monday to give me time for last minute revisions. *S*This is the begining of a new era of glory for the CDC Empire. May it never end.


King Archos Zyan Godslayer
