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The 27th Letter

Written On: 5-11-98

The Alante Clan hath suffered its first defeat. They attempted to send Anarion, the knight of our number that they captured after going 7-1 odds, and made into a SLAVE!!! A puppet to turn agianst us. We managed to bring him out of their state of dissaray, and he is now back amongst us as a Knight shouldst be. However, from what i hear, they attack in numbers. I danna want any of yea alone. No less than 3 at any given place. Or if others art na around, stay nigh to friends. Let this end quickly.

If i may go out of character a moment, recently i completed my second semester at clemson university. i have time on my hands, and i am now able to take on more jobs. one of the things i'm doing for a living currently, is designing websites. If you need a site done or upgraded, or know someone that does, e-mail me here:

Thanks in advance. *S*

now back to in character, sorry for the interruption. college is expensive these days. *S*

Oh, for those of you that do not already know, I DO have icq. My uins are: 4575673 & 6934394 if you don't have icq you can get it here.

The enslavement of even ONE of our citizens wilt NOT be forgotten. Nothing but surrender can save them now. They have sworn to take our homes, drive us out, destroy all that we have built, all for the sake of their driving hatred. Wilt we allow this? NAY! Rally my clansmen and women, magi and maidens, take up thy blades and wands, the Empire has gone to war. Let it end and quickly.

Further, the House of KMAC hath offered their land to be shared and defended with and by the CDC Empire. *G* Tis indeed a fine moment in our glorious history. The actual terms hath na yet been settled in their entirety, but by the end of this week, it shouldst be completed. *G* twould have been done afore now, but ooc: rl always gets in the way. *L* ic: Now faretheewell mine citizens and brothers and sisters in honor.


King Archos
