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The 28th Letter

Written On: 5-18-98

Tis over. The CDC Empire and Alante hath reached a peace accord. As of 5:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the treaty goes into effect. All hostilities art to cease between our two peoples, and the following terms art now in effect.

Further, I must needs make a correction, in the last letter I mentioned KMAC speaking of sharing land with the CDC, this hath been mistaken in its context by mine wording, what i actually meant wast that the House of KMAC wilt become a neutral ground, a place of negotiation, which the CDC wilt defend. In order for a clan to gain access to it for such purposes, they must go to either leigh or myself for permission.

Lastly, the clan page hath been updated. Please change all thy links to it to:

Faretheewell mine friends and followers. Good fortune.


King Archos