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The 33rd Letter

Written On: 6-29-98

Greetings yet again oh honored citizens of the Empire. Tis truly a magnificient day is it na? As yea can see I am returned from my rl vacation. And have some intriguing ideas to better the empire. However there is some small unpleasantness to deal with.

First off:

The following Clans and Kingdoms have a freeze on membership. This means that citizenship with them is forbidden until further notice.(its mostly a temporary measure) However those of yea already members of these clans wilt na be forced to choose. The reason for this is mainly disturbing reports I have recieved of late, as well as rumors and matters regarding general lack of information in some quarters. It varies.


The Mutiny Alliance




The Iron Thugz

The Stone Clan

The Ice Thugz

Dark Shining Force


Those art all that art forbidden at this moment. Some may be removed from the freeze list, others may not be.

note: this list reflects no ill will nor malice towards any of the above clans, most is in effect purely until further information and understanding can be attained as to the possible conflicts of interest or lack of information.

Next, a standard currency system will be established that will be used throughout the Empire. The exchange system is this:

1 gold soveriegn is equal to 5 4th gen VtM blood points or $1000 rl american dollars

5 gold crowns=1 gold soveriegn (like $100 american)

10 silver soveriegns=1 gold soveriegn or 5 gold crowns (like $50 american)

20 silver crowns=1 gold soveriegn or 5 gold crowns or 10 silver soveriegns (like $20 american)

40 copper soveriegns=1 gold soveriegn or 5 gold crowns or 10 silver soveriegns or 20 silver crowns (like $10 american)

80 copper crowns=1 gold soveriegn (you get the idea now right?) (like $5 american)

100 steel pieces=1 gold soveriegn (like $1 american)


4 Platinum marks=1 steel

10 Platinum prints=1 steel

20 Platinum Hangya=1 steel

100 Flats=1 steel

Each coin wilt be minted with the face of mine father upon the head, and the Capital upon the tail side, and made only with gold and other materials from the home realm to prevent any forgery or devaluation of the currency by counterfitters.

Next up, I'll be working with Queen Edain to see how best to combine the Stormreaver Clan and the Empire into one unit. This currency system, to expand into both sectors, wilt be but the first step.

Afore I forget, Members of the Stormreaver Clan, there is a magic book on the CDC Empire page feel free to partake of it. And shouldst thou know a spell it lacks, send it in and twill be added with thy name as the donater or spell forger.

That is all for the moment. Faretheewell honored citizens and followers, may wisdom guide yea, and honor be thy path.


King Archos
