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The 35th Letter

Written On: 7-13-98

Greetings mine noble citizens, there is much news of late, and I wilt do mine best to convey it in the short time that I hath.

First of all, in my previous letter, whilst I mentioned mine own dominion o'er the new lands, I failed to mention those of my wife. She is now known as The Ard Rhighan of Folcuth, Stormreaver and Crystal Dragondom. Treat her like the Queen she is.

Next, the most controversial move I hath made since mine union with Edain, is the freeze, and in some cases the ban, of membership in certain clans. Here is the updated listing.

These art those that art banned. yea may not become part of them, and if thou art, yea must needs choose between the CDC Empire and they. They qualified for banning by reason of either they're enmity towards the Empire, or their Allegiance/Alliance to a clan that is the enemy of the Empire.

These art those there is but a freeze on, meaning that yea may not join them, but if thou art already part of them, no need to leave. Tis a TEMPORARY measure until the Empire can determine its policy towards them.

The freeze on Necropolis and the Ice Thugz is lifted as of noon monday. And the freeze on Solider will be lifted as of noon est Teusday provided that they have no members in Cardontaper. BTC is still frozen, and will be reviewed for the next week.

Next, there is a new Subject clan, a new protectorate, Savana, the sister of Garden, hath signed the treaty of Protectorate status in the name of Clan Moon Struck. They're now subject to the Empire, and entitled to all due protection as such. Until they see fit to sever the bond and take their rightful place amongst the nations of the east.

Also, the method for integrating the Stormreaver Military hath finally been completed and is implimented as of tomorrow. Each reaver order, wilt be the reserves for want of a better term, to a sister order within the Empire's original ranks. The rear guard if thou wilt. They'll be linked together upon each of their pages, and proudly so, for the warriors and magi of each art honorable and strong.

Now, there is one thing i must not forget to mention, as of monday of next week, a limit wilt be imposed, on how many clans one can be in. Not on who(though those restrictions above do apply) but on how many. The Limit is no more than 5 clans, not including family clans/houses, or clans subject to the Empire.

If yea wish a further explanation, or special permission, then come directly to me. And we'll discuss the matter. But on the whole this rule wilt be enforced and added to the law. I'll offer a more detailed explanation as to the reason behind this limit in the next newsletter, when the limit takes effect.

Oh and afore I forget, the Order of the Blood Angels is approved officially as of 6 p.m. Teusday evening. As soon as i get their e-mail addresses and the url for their page, they'll be added to the roster/orders listing. *S* Congratulations to them.

Lastly, the Navy page is up, at least for the military sect of it. *S* Tis na near completed, but tis there and open for those that wish to transfer into it. Fair fortune all of yea, mine citizens.


King Archos


UINs: 13862215 & 6934394