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The 36th Letter

Written On: 7-21-98

ooc: first, i appolagize again for being late with the letter for the second time in 2 weeks. i was down with food poisoning. ate a bad burrito or something. fine now though.

I give yea glad greetings mine friends. *S* Fortune favor thee, there is little news, as i believe i mentioned, the navy page is up, though i regret that due to negligence on my part, i lost sailor's e-mail on the designs etc. So sailor, wilt thou please send me the specs again. *L*

Next up, i've heard that there are still more complaints as to the bans and freezes, etc. Here is the updated list of clans that are out and out banned.

The freeze on the BTC is lifted as of now, as is the freeze on the steel clan. Now as to explain this further. Many of yea hath debated this policy. But yea look at this from the individual perspective, i canna be afforded such a luxery. I must look to the clan as a whole. For example, suppose i lifted the ban on say, arctuurus and dark shining force. sounds good to some of yea, some may wish to join them. then suppose they go to war gainst one another. i end up seeing knights of the crystal dragon gainst other knights of the crystal dragon or others, and seeing people of the empire slaughter one another wholesale. i wilt NOT let that happen. Not such a lovely picture now is it? Another senario, the limit on the number of clans one can be in. suppose someone has 14 affiliations, or just 6, one of those clans he is part of goes to war with someone else, he is attacked and other cdc members help him out, well now we have war on our hands, end up involved in a war we have no place in. worse still. suppose this happens on both sides and we end up seeing cdc on both sides. NAY! twill simply na happen.

Now my policy shouldst be making a bit more sense. I am sorry my people, for i know how this doth trouble some of yea. I wouldst leifer not trouble yea at all, but now and again i am forced to make decisions that art na popular, because they art needful to the betterment of the empire.

Oh and as a last note, mine son, tombefyre, hath requested i send out this notice, shouldst any of yea see former mist members, tell them they're welcome to rejoin mist now that tis back.

Also, as two additional final notes, wouldst like to offer mine endorsement of my mother, Shayanna for the castle cabinet She is quite capable and a long time resident of the castle and has ne'er been known to take things to out of character or use her power to further her own ends.

And lastly, shouldst any of yea see dimitrie of the sabbat, pass along to him a request for a meeting as soon as possible and give him mine uin and or e-mail addy that we may "confer".

Faretheewell mine people.


King Archos

UINs: 13862215 & 6934394
