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The 37th Letter

Written On: 7-28-98

Greetings mine citizens, friends and honored peoples of the Empire, I appolagize once more for the lateness of this letter, it hath been a hectic week indeed. *S*

First off, the Stormreaver lands hath been designated in Chatalot and they may settle as they see fit there. I await a report from Thunder as to the progression of things in The Enchanted Castle and I myself wilt be recruiting and building strength in WBS and the chathouse.

Next, i finally have the page for the Blood Angels and wilt be e-mailing them with their confirmation letters as soon as i recieve their e-mail addresses/uins, the order wilt be listed upon the roster today.

Further, if I mayest speak upon the personal level a moment. I am told by Supa Cool of the BTC and Queen Camille of Excel that rumors circulate that i'm out for the east wing. Well i'm not. twould be to dull for words. And no i have no plans to use or manipulate any monitors to my advantage.

Next, I have put up a set of role playing rules for combat in the CDC Empire's realms. The RolePlaying Rules I wouldst request that each of yea take a look at this system, and see what yea think of it, leave a guestbook entry there to give me any ideas yea may have for modifying it or whatnot.

Also, the CDC has a webring, those of yea that danna already know. submit the request to join and i'll send yea the html code. The link to join is on the links page above the rest of the webrings.

Lastly, the freezes and bans mentioned last week art still in place, if yea danna remember which they were, then yea may find it in the letter archives on the CDC Empire's HP.

Faretheewell mine citizens, i wish yea fair tidings and good fortunes.


King Archos Zyan VryceGriffinsbane Godslayer

UINs: 13862215 & 6934394 & 4575673