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The 39th Letter

Written On: 8-10-98


After a long and bloody 2 day battle with the usurper king Aethen, I stood victorious over his body, he is slain, and the first Arctuurian conflict hath ended in victory for the Empire. The following terms art in effect:

Next, if I may go out of character a moment, I've sent my novel "The Crystal Dragon Saga" off to be edited and so far the word is good. I've started on my second novel. And an excert will be posted on the CDC Empire Page. for viewing. The page will be updated over the next few days, counters/guestbooks for all the pages will be added, so you may leave comments on what to add/change or otherwise do to improve the site.

Also, all those of the Godslayer family, view this page and abide by it accordingly.

That about sums up the week thus far, fair fortune to yea all, honored citizens of the Empire!


King Archos
