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The 40th Newsletter

Written On 8-18-98

Greetings again citizens of the empire, there art two things of note that require special notice today. ooc: appolagies again for the late later. hectic move irl. ic: two days ago, a force of Sabbat harvesters of sorrow and talons of caine struck at the empires capital, they pulled out after nigh to 20 minutes of combat with empire forces, and the situation there hath since been resolved. it seems some fool didst decide to start a rumor that i hunted all sabbat. pure ridiculousness.

Second, today, na but an hour ago truth be told, a second force struck, comprised of a motly crew of a kindred malkavian, one that i think wast a sabbat a mortal warrior claiming to herald armaggeddon, and a man known only as death, struck out at the empires capital a second time. They to were beaten back, in neither encounter did the empire suffer casualties, howerr the attackers didst na fare quite so well, most suffered severe and critical wounds afore escaping. in the second encounter, princess bella seemd to be the target. watch out for her. Shouldst any have any information about the reason behind the recent strikes, please contact me asap.

I am putting up another page today, likely done by the time yea read this, a very basic white text on black background page on how to join the empire's ranks. distribute it to those that approach yea about membership. check the website to find the link in the appropriate places.

This wraps things up for the time being. fair fortunes. *S*


King Archos Zyan VryceGriffinsbane Godslayer of CDC Empire and Stormreaver Clan
