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The 44th Letter

Good morn, afternoon, and even to yea noble peoples of the Empire. Today much news is brought unto yea. Edain hath brought to the world 2 children, Teir Archos Edain Godslayer, and Teir Archos Torbrand Godslayer. I know yea share my joy at this magnificent event.

Also, my daughter, Bella Angelique, hath wedded herself to Sirach Ramier, the head of the Guild of Darkness, with whom we enter a mutually beneficial Nonagression pact. Congratulations to both of them. *S*

Further, the third census of the Empire hath been completed. With a margin of error no larger than 7, 268 total citizens hath been taken a count of from all continents and segments/orders of the Empire! This kind of size and growth is unprecedented in all the history of the east. May we continue thus for all time.

The Stormreavers have a message board now by the way. *S* it wilt be posted to their page by this even methinks.

The Empire's orders wilt be under restructuring for the next few days, two Paladinian Orders wilt be combined, and LeStat's order of magi wilt be disbanded. Leadership positions art now available in both the Earth and the Flame warrioress orders if any wish to apply. In the Reaver segment, the order of Lupercal wilt be created, and alessandra wilt begin developing the order of the Stone Warrioresses.

Amongst the biggest news is the expansion into the Tenshi lands (The House of Tenshi room) by the Empire, o'ercoming light resistence from Xian of the Mutiny Alliance. The land hath been renamed: Tir Tainigri Edain'elia'Lenae after my beloved Ard Rhigan.

Now, last two items. I am sorrowful to state that there is bad news, but I wilt get it o'er with then the final piece. The ill news is that Jason Alexander Godslayer, is now summarily stripped of the name of Godslayer. He may not wear this name, for he hath dishonored it in the Shadowclan's Haven, the land of our ally. And profaning a sacred ceremony. *sighs* tis sorrowful that one shouldst thus dishonor himself, but the Godslayer name wilt forever be linked with self control. Those that cannot manage that much, are unworthy of wearing the name.

Last, the land of Camelot wast healed by the Rite of Dassara by myself and the Ard Rhigan Edain. And, gladly, the war between the Nation of Camelot and the Mutiny Alliance is at last at its closing. The Nation of Camelot ceded Shanarra, their land in Galan Thal (the mouse trap) to the Mutiny Alliance forces under the leadership of Cypress Dreadslay, and also payed an endimnity of Jewels, Gold, and other treasures. And Cypress hath decided to leave Camelot be. Thus the war ends.

Oh, one more thing, during the census, I deleted some of yea from the roster and others from the mailing list. So this may be the last letter for some of yea. Go to the home page to look on the roster and see if yea art still listed. If na, and yea wish to be, then send me an e-mail and I'll get in touch.

That shouldst sum it all up fairly well. *S* Glad tidings honored citizens, wilt send another letter in 2 weeks time.


King Archos Zyan VryceGriffinsbane Godslayer of CDC Empire and Stormreaver clan

ICQ UINs: 6934394 & 13862215
