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The 45th Letter

Written On: 10-13-98

It hath been an eventful week my people. First, the Empire hath expanded into the fallen darkwind terrain. Where its valued resources such as silver, tin, and iron wilt be harnessed, as well as the vast waterfalls wilt provide well for mills breweries winery's and so forth. *S* Let this day, of 1great victory be remembered. HOWERR, also opposing our claim is the Mutiny Alliance backing the Black Tigers. If they get in our way, well, *EG* just be thyselves.

Further, let it be known that the Van Ron family must needs be eliminated quickly and efficiently. Kill them on sight, use numbers if yea must or summon other aid, but i want them all either captured or slain afore the week is out. They have dared to attempt to lay claim to the Empire's capital, and have threatened to try to capture the castle lands as their own. Destroy them utterly.

Now, know also my people, that yesterday in an unprecadented move, the Mutiny Alliance didst send a strike force to our borders in Voidossos. They raided the coast as pirates, and met our fleet upon the seas. Their flagship wast sunk, along with all the rest of their fleet, and the leader of the Mutiny Alliance forces wast captured. His second in command hath taken control of the M.A. forces and now supports the infringment upon our territory in darkwind, as well as doth prepare for further raids upon our coast. We wilt of course, make repraisals and a force wilt be assembled to make a return raid this even.

Until then the Lord Cypress wilt stay as our royal guest in a manner of speaking, until the end of the conflict, if na sooner, at which point he wilt be released unconditionally if possible.

That doth sum it up for the time being. *S* Fair fortune good folk, I wilt try to send this letter out sooner next time. *S*


King Archos Zyan VryceGriffinsbane Godslayer of CDC Empire and Stormreaver Clan


UIN: 20600649 ((the other 2 uins got hacked and deleted))