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The End of the Alliance with the Kingdom of Eden

The Alliance between the CDC Empire and the Kingdom of Eden is at its end. Empire troops were requested to aid in the battle gainst the Iron Thugz forces, on 8-25-98, and all total myself included 6 of mine subjects were there, and when the Iron Thugz were all but beaten, Aven then told me to in short go away. And fight in mine own lands. Which we did later that even when Iron Thugz forces counter attacked the Empire, a risk knowingly taken by us for the benefit of our longtime ally, at her own subjects request, only to be contemptuously cast aside nigh to the end. Such wast undeserved and unwarrented, the bitterness left in mine heart because of such wilt na be forgotten. Thus, for this action, the Alliance with the Kingdom of Eden is at its end, no more wilt I or the Empire respond to calls for aid. I regret this mine friends in Eden who art na responsible for such. But I am an Ard Rhi, a King. And it is my duty na only to defend the Empire's borders, but also its dignity and honor, and I canna let such grievous insults pass by unnoticed. I can only regret the loss both have suffered because of the necessity of this action, but such is what hath come to pass. May Eden prosper on its own, because twill na do so with the Empire.

~The Alliance with the Kingdom of Eden ended at midnight on 8-26-98 as a result of the Queen Avengalyne's contemptuous words, and the Ard Rhi of the Empire vowed na to consider it again until a full and public apolagy was made to the Empire~
