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The Hall of Heroes

"The tumult and the shouting dies,
The Captains and the Kings depart.
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice~
An humble and a contrite heart.

Lord of Hosts,be with us yet,
Lest we forget,lest we forget!

~Rudyard Kipling~

In this place rests the names and deeds of those that wilt ne'er be forgotten, their valor has brought the Empire honor and glory beyond the hopes and dreams of its founders, and the nightmares of their darkest enemies, what they have done, and what they will yet do, all is and will be stored here, to serve as an example of what those that hold true honor art capable of. May glory be theirs, in life in death in life beyond death, to them belongs the glory...

Mollin~A naval officer for the Empire, she stood against Altercation in the Wolfpack's Den, fought until she could no more, and thus died beside her Wolfpack allies on 9-16-98

~Archbishop Reptile de Asandir~


~Military Man~

Title bestowed by the Throne of Storms to those
Knights leading the War Host. It is bestowed by
those the Ard Rhi King Archos Zyan Vryce Griffinsbane Godslayer feels hath
merited it through their valour in battle.


"Voice of the gifted elder time!
Voice of the charm and the Runic rhyme!
Speak! from the shades and the depths disclose
How Reptile may vanquish his mortal foes;
Voice of the buried past!

"Voice of the grave! 'tis the mighty hour
When Night with her stars and dreams hath power
And my step hath been soundless on the snows,
And the spell I have sung hath laid repose
On the billow and the blast."

Then the torrents of the North
And the Forest Sanctuary pines were still,
While a hollow chant cam e forth
From the dark sepulchral hill.

"There shines no sun midst the hidden dead,
But where the day looks nae the brave may tread;
There is heard no song,and no mead is poured,
But the Warrior may come to the silent board
In the Shadows of the Night.

"There is laid a sword in thy Father's tomb,
And its edge is fraught with thy foeman's doom;
But soft be thy step through the Silence deep.
And move nae the urn in the housse of Sleep,
For the viewless have fearful might!"

Corona Graminea Obsidionalis

~The Grass Crown~

Rarest of all Reaver military decorations . Tis
awarded on the spot and made of grass from the
battlefield. Tis given ONLY to a Lord or Lady
who has by personal efforts saved a whole legion or
Army or the life of the Ard Rhighan.

Reptile is here, honored truly and justly thus, for his valour and honour in the battles gainst the Van Ron's he personally fought six of their number in a battle for the capital, in which the Van Ron's were driven out. Though he is gone from us now, he wilt ne'er be forgotten by those who love honour.

~King Saradus of Phoenix Clan~

~Dragonfyre~Knight of Agropas~

~Lady Pluto~Magi and Cleric of the Empire~