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Joining the Crystal Dragons Clan Empire Ring


1. NO porno sites.

2. Creative content please. A few links to common sites and some unrelated images does not constitute creativity or orginality. if your site is like that, you may be let in, but the webmaster reserves the right NOT to put you in the ring. if help is needed on designing your page. you can e-mail him here.

3. Profanity is less clear. a certain amount of profanity is sometimes neccessary for the mood or setting of a website, however gratuitous swearing and so forth will get you immediately banned. This is supposed to be generally family-pg13 sites.

4. No site that supports spamming.

5. NO hate mongering sites. This should go without saying. But I thought I'd say it anyway. This is not a political webring, its for fun and entertaining sites only.

6. Hacking sites will be evaluated on the quality of the page. I've seen very few decent hacking sites, but I may be in a good mood and let yah in anyways. *S*

7. NO drug paraphanalia, I cannot overstate this.

8. And lastly, NO site that bashes role playing or creativity in one form or another. It is inappropriate in this ring. Sites evaluating its pros and cons in a balenced way will be immediately brought in more often than not, but one sided ones are unappreciated.

Submit Your Site






Edit Your Site Info


After you've submited your site, add the HTML code onto your page(copy the source code from the ring and change the appropriate information) and tell me where you put it. I should have you added within 3 days of your request. If not, then I'm probably gone in real life for a few days and will do so when I return. Thank you.

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