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Joining the Empire

Joining the Empire is a simple process, but tis a serious one and sacred. Yea must know that signing the tome below, wilt bind thy very being to it. Shouldst thou break the oath yea art about to take, yea wilt cease to exist, and thy soul and essense revert to the amulet, for eternal suffering for thy wrong. There is no trial, no appeal, no pleas for mercy, it happens the moment yea do so. ooc: signing it is a geas, compelling one to do exactly as one says, it is not forced, but there is NO WAY to break a geas, the only way is to go to the one the vow was made to, in this case Archos, and have him remove it.

The Process

View this page go to frames or no frames version.

Then view the code of honor.

Then view the justice system.

Then if all that meets with thy approval, select an order to become part of from the Roster and constitution link.

Then sign the guestbook below with this information:

Join the Empire
View the scroll | Commit thyself

I check the guestbooks frequently, so you should recieve a prompt reply, my e-mails sometimes are slow to arrive because i recieve so many on so many varied topics, that at times i cannot answer them all. Please be patient. Thank you. Any questions should be sent to

As a final note, add ~CDC or ~CDC Empire or ~Crystal Dragons Clan or ~Crystal Dragon's Clan Empire to thy name, yea may choose which. Wear it with pryde.

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