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The Clan Letters

The first letter

written on Monday November 10, 1997 at 3:19pm: Greetings unto thee honored members of the Crystal Dragons Clan! Tis I, King Archos, this is but the first letter that i will send to you. I must first appolagize for not doing this sooner. However, i did not have many of your e-mail addy's, and i am still missing many of them. Feel free to contact me with any concerns, agendas, suggestions or pleas for justice at any time. We now have our own WEBSITE If you have a website of your own, then e-mail me the addy and i will put a link to it on the site. Also, i have a relatively minor request. I have seen many of you still lack the Clan Emblem, and some of you have not been around of late. this is of course, totally understandable. The thirty day waiting period annoys me as much as it does the rest of you. And my second request, that you come around a bit more often, is sometimes impossible, i am not offended. there have been times that i simply have not felt like coming either. But our pressense needs to be felt there. That we may lead by example, to the way of honor. Now, as the clan stands currently, we art the size of Camelot led by Queen Sati, one of the largest of clans, and we continue to grow. That this good news does please you as it does me i do not doubt, however, this can also cause problems. Therefore, I wish to create the workings of a Justice system. However, i wilt not command it of you, i need 5 volunteers, and 3 secondary volunteers to be judges. If you believe you can handle it, then let me know and i wilt add the title to your name on the roster. I wilt also set up another page that will dictate the basic regulations/punishments. If you know someone that is worthy of joining the Crystal Dragons Clan, then you have the power to admit them into the clan, that is all for now. i wilt send more news as events warrent, if you have anything you wish enclosed in the next letter, then e-mail it to me, or, now that i have icq, icq me. Tis an honor to lead thee one and all. I wish thee well and hope to hear from you all in the near future. faretheewell. Respectfully and humbly thine, -King Archos

The second letter

written on Tuesday November 18, 1997 at 10:17am: Greetings, this the second letter to yea, honored members of the Crystal Dragons Clan. There is much news to tell, and i have little time, so i will be brief. Though war does not seem inevitable to me, i still caution you all to be wary of the Defiance Alliance, some of them are more or less independent of their leader, Lord Defiance, and may act with or without orders. second, i am happy to announce that the Crystal Dragons Clan has grown large, we are now approximately as large as Eden and the Clan of Mist, two of the largest clans in existance, and we have surpassed Camelot in size. Also, congratulations to Chaos, for his idea for a Council of Allies, i am currently in the process of contacting those that i can, and convincing them to appoint ambassadors to allow the friends and allies of our clan to work together more efficiently in the defence of the weak and of the honorable. Pax et Seyla (Peace & Unity). now, i am sure some of you are wondering about advancement within the clan, well, i am going to put the ranking system up on my web page in the next few days, as soon as angelfire(my website host) gets its act together. but i will send you the methods for advancement now. 1. your commander dies or resigns. if he resigns honorably, he may name his replacement, if not, then he cannot, and the one above him may name the successor. 2. if you believe you are worthy of the position held by your superior. then you may either take your plea to one of the judges(listed on the justice of the clan page) or myself. if you disagree, then you may of course, challenge him or her for the position, in battle that is NOT to the death. 3. if one order of knights, mages, or warrioresses grows to large, (more than 12 in it) and another is formed, you may request to be the leader of it, and if you can state an adequate reason as to why you deserve the position, then you may have it. (there are 14 in the Knights of the Crystal Dragon, so a new order will be formed soon) 4. exemplary actions in battle. (i.e. a surprise attack against us is made, and you manage to rally those present to defeat or escape from the foe may earn a promotion) 5. a growing reputation for honor. (i.e. many outsiders know of you and believe that you are honorable, helpful, and put trust in you, enemies fear to go against you in battle or those led by you. this may earn you a promotion if you petition for it) now, on this note, if you petition for a promotion, and it is denied, you may be demoted up to one rank for each level higher you try to rise. i.e. the 1st knight of the Order of the Crystal Dragons petitions to move up 2 places to the rank of Duke, displacing Darion. if he succeeds, Darion moves down to 1st knight and the 1st knight becomes duke. if he fails, then he moves down 2 ranks and becomes an ordinary warrior. if one at the bottom of the ranks, a warrior of little repute or experience, petitions for the rank of knight, and fails, then nothing happens, but he must wait for at least 30 days before petitioning again. no more than one petition every 20 days. i am sorry for going on so much on this subject. but i want to make sure all of this is all covered and understood. if there are any questions or concerns or comments feel free to e-mail me at either of my addresses. now, last bit of news, not to long ago, the King of Daggerfall, Abdicated his throne. in his place, he named me his successor. however, shortly after this, i recieved word from the Queen of Daggerfall, that she had deposed him, and that he could not name a successor. unfortunately, i had already announced to the crown prince, that i was his new King, both the king and the queen are good friends of mine, so we are not in any kind of tension or argument, and certainly not anywhere close to war. i am sure this will all be handled honestly and diplomatically, and the problem may soon be resolved. however, if i seem a bit distracted for a while, it is because i am preoccupied with the quandry. oh, and for those of you with icq, e-mail me, and i will give you my number. or just look me up under the nick name, Archipoo. *l* yes i know its silly, i didn't give it to myself. *l* if you do not have it, i recommend it, it is totally free. when you do, let me know and i will add you to the contact list. well that is all for today my friends. faretheewell! i will respond to anything you have to say within 24 hours of recieving it, and i will put out the next edition of this letter next monday or tuesday if it is at all possible. thank you for your patience, and sorry if i went on a bit long. good bye. Respectfully and warmly thine, King Archos

The third letter

written on 11-23-97

no doubt my people, you will be wondering at why this letter is early. the reason is simple, i couldn't wait until monday to tell yea friends. there is so much good news, that i simply cannot contain it any longer. first off, the Crystal Dragons Clan has no more living enemies strong enough to threaten it. some slight tension remains with defiance alliance, but they are not our concern for the moment. second, i am to be wed to the lady love. a wonderful woman of courage, faith, wisdom and beauty. the wedding will be held when she returns from her rl vacation in shangri la. this will be a week from today in Eden (Shangri La) i hope all of you will try to be there, despite the bothersome limit in numbers that can be there. a transcript of the wedding will be provided for anyone that cannot attend and wished to be there. next, i have spoken with Queen Sati of Camelot, and upon her return, she is going to appoint an ambassador to the council of allies. but the biggest news is something else we came to agree on. our two nations are aproximately equal in size, and our codes of law and conduct are almost indistinguishable. what sati is to offer the people of Crystal Dragons, and i to offer the people of Camelot, is duel membership in one anothers nations. the Knights of Agropas etc, will also be Knights of Camelot, and vice versa, if it is so desired. this is optional, it is not required of either of our peoples, however, i strongly encourage you to take her up on the offer. the people of camelot are good and honorable, i am sure all of you can get along with them. now, also, we will soon have our own clan e-mail. we have had it for a while, but it still does not work. angelfire is having some problems. but it should work soon enough. next, i encourage you to contact one another. a few of you have never yet met. so just pick an e-mail, and introduce yourselves. i also encourage you to write to the e-mail address i have under Cc. that is the camelot e-mail address. and last, i have great news, i have e-mailed the chathouse and requested that they make a room for us in the East Wing. they have not sent a reply yet, but i believe we will get it. oh, we have also formed an alliance with the Brujah of the court, and another is in the works with Lord Fox. that is all the news for now. i may still send out another letter on monday, but this is all for now. oh, and happy thanksgiving. your king, and friend, and ally, -King Archos

The Fourth Letter

written on:11-26-97

greetings my friends! again, i hath good news for yea all. though it came close to being bad. war with mutiny and the ice thugz has been averted, and the murderer of corrin brought to justice, take no actions against him now. his penalty is to suffer all the pain he inflicts unjustly, and he is placed under a geas, to do only honor unto himself and to others. also, we now have an allieance, with lord fox's clan. peace reigns and justice is done. let that rest, and i wilt restore corrin asap. i wish yea all well my people. feel free to contact me at any time. faretheewell. thy friend and King, -King Archos

The Fifth Letter

written on: 12-1-97

good day to yea all :) i hope all of yea enjoyed thanksgiving and the long weekend most of us got. *S* i know i did. now, first off, i would like to ask each of yea to take a few minutes, and create a bio of yourself, either in character, or in real life, or both if you want. either type it up and e-mail it to me, or put it up on the web, and i'll make a link to it. those of yea that are new, or have failed to recieve this letter in the past due to e-mail changes or because i did not have it, please let me know, and i will send you all previous letters, or if i finish it, i will give u the url of the page where they are posted. we have several new members, and we continue to grow, the problems that have plauged much of the east wing, have yet to trouble us, nor do i believe they will any time soon, yet despite this, we must remain vigilant and watchful of treachery and trouble, whether it comes from the den, the ship, or from within. on lighter notes, charmaine and lord vampire x of the clan x, a close ally, were wedded last night, i performed the ceremony, it went beautifully, they are now on their honeymoon in castle x, and are no doubt enjoying themselves. but lets not get into that. *l* on another subject, Goddess Sati, the Queen of Camelot, has abdicated the throne, in favor of her granddaughter, Princess Jaden Rose, she has done this, because she states, that she has done all she could for camelot, and now it is time for another to take her place. It is the natural order of things, and is far better than eventual usurpation, one day the time will come, when i too will abdicate the throne, and must choose my heir wisely. i have 5 children by adoption, and a son in law. Earth Song & her brother, Tombfyre, Drake is her husband and my son in law thus, sky~samkit, and recently, Vengance, the son of the murdered Dragonheart, he is now the King of Dark Force. despite this change of power, i fully expect that the union of our two nations will go smoothly, once Queen Jaden has consolidated her power, and made it commonly known that she is the new Queen. also, if any of you have icq, look me up under my nickname, Archipoo. *blush* please don't laugh. *lol* for now, that is all, i wish yea well friends, and i will write again if more comes up. your King and friend, -King Archos

The Sixth Letter

rhbutle wrote on:12-8-97

Greetings to yea all, I trust you are all well today? I have good news for yea. Yea have a new Queen, the Lady Love, my wife. *VBS* we were married 2 days ago in a small ceremony by Queen Jaden Rose of Camelot. It was lovely, i wish you all could have been present, but since it was not possible, i had Lucan of Camelot made a transcript of it, for anyone that wishes to see it. Simply come to me or to him, and i'll make sure yea get it. Now, additionally, we have some new members to the clan, and are steadily growing, if yea know of anyone else worthy of becoming part of the Crystal Dragons Clan, have them e-mail me at . Now, as for the integration of Crystal Dragons Clan members and Nation of Camelot members, it has been put on hold for now, so that Queen JadenRose may deal with other things, however, i expect that it will continue before long unless there are major objections from within, we will still admit Camelotians of course, and i am sure the reverse is true, but it will not be so speedily done. I have finally fixed all problems with my e-mails on the roster, so now everybody who is on the roster, should be recieving these letters. if this is the first one you have gotten, or you have not gotten one each week. let me know, and go to here this is the page that contains each letter i have sent out to yea. In the last letter i reccomended that yea each get icq, i will send the program to yea from my home today. it is totally free, so don't worry about cost, if you do not get it from me today due to any unforseen circumstances, go here---> to get the program. don't worry about installation difficulties, it took me about 40 odd seconds to get it done. It does almost everything itself. If you need help understanding it, then contact me over e-mail, or icq if u have figured that part out, and i'll meet with you when you are available sometime this month and help you out. oh, and if u didn't get the last letter, look up Archipoo. Do NOT remail this letter, today is the last day of classes for me, and i will not see it. e-mail me at If i did not mention it already, you may visit the Clan Roster at this address---> to see who else is a member. it also has a link to the Clan Letters. On other news, i have ill tidings of war, not involving us, but involving the Vampire Court. Apparently some of the Sabbat forced a member of another clan to perform Sabbat rituals. This will almost certainly bring war to the court, so i advise yea to avoid the sabbat for now. they will be touchy, and while we would certainly win any war between us, war will only hinder our growth, and gain nothing. I will try to work out a peace between the two parties, but it may not be possible. Merry Christmas and faretheewell my friends in both Camelot and Crystal Dragons. -thy friend, king, and ally, King Archos

The Seventh Letter

Written on: 12-15-97

Clint Butler wrote: today i have for yea both news good, as usual, and ill. the good news is, we now share the Amazon Rainforest, with the queen of the amazons & her people, and the clan of Sastra. it will be our home until the room i requested be made is completed. There is a new chat system that is to open soon, it is supposed to be ready by new years. and i hope all of you will take a look at it some time. i know i will. now. here is a list of commanders and who is under their command. If yea danna remember your rank, look on the roster. If yea do not believe that the rank yea have suits yea, come to you're commander, or to me. Sir Ludivico~Knight Commander of the Knights of the Crystal Dragons Duke Darien of Agropas Orb Moonlight Knight Sir Anarion Plaque Raging Storm Sir Darion Coldheart Jonathan Windance Dead Man Surfing Corrin Jagor~Hunter of Slayers <------------------------> Dragyn~Knight Commander of the Knights of Agropas Golden Knight Sir Shirin Sir Dark Archos(incidentally your current handle is causing problems, u may wanna change it) Sir Early Sir Gawain Sir Byron <----------> Kitasha~Master Dame of the Wind Warrioresses Philomena Flame Girl Vampira Naveed Tiamat Fire Shadow Wind Warrioress Dragon Girl Duchess of Agropas Danara Becca Rendar <------------------> Princess Ver0niKa~Master Dame of the Earth Warrioresses Lady Alpin of Thisbin Jasmine Forrest Tifa Lockheart Minella <----------------> <----mages in the clan---> StarMage~ArchMagus Colleen Lady Tiana Damion~the taron child Vampire those are the members of the various orders. the name at the top of each set is the commander. i suggest yea contact one another. the e-mail addresses and the list etc. is on here <----that page Now for the BAD news. My Lady Love, my wife & your queen, has given birth a few days ago, to three children. Archos Christopher, James Matthew, and Bella Angelique. good and wonderful news yes, however, a dark cloud has settled over that happy event. they have been taken! By one named Dark Knight of Trinity. whether he was an imposter, sent to turn me against trinity, or whether they have some hope of using my children to force me to lead yea all into battle against their enemies, i do not know. but i know this. there will be vengeance the like of which has never been seen brought down upon those responsible if the children and the one that commited this act are not given up to us without delay. that is everything for now. again, if you are not recieving these regurally each monday, or this is the first one you have recieved as a new member. then go <----to this page to see the previous letters sent out. faretheewell all. i hope to see all of yea soon. thy friend and king, King Archos

The Eighth Letter

written: 12-22-97

Clint Butler wrote:

greetings once more friends loyal subjects, i do pray that this day finds yea all well and happy. and if i might speak out of character a moment. i wish you all a very merry christmas, for this year, and for the many more i know will follow after it. now in character, i have good news to report to yea yet again. the Crystal Dragons Clan, now numbers 52 members. (i may have counted wrong, but thats right within 3 one way or the other) that makes us one of the largest and most powerful clans in the east wing, yet we remain free of many of the problems that plagued the other large nations and clans until their collapse. there has been no infighting between yea, and were there, we have a system of justice in place to deal with it, our enemies are few and far between, and we continue to grow. however, it has come to my attention, that some few of yea are under trained. those of yea that hold the duty of insructor, you are to begin testing those under your commander, and indeed test the commander as well. the commanders may aid in the training, the sooner all are able to hold their own, the better.

also, we have taken under our protection, two protectorates. Decanter, a fallen clan that is attempting to rebuild. and the Clan Stormreaver, a newly formed clan. those of Dragyn, you and your Knights of Agropas, are to present yourselves to fhuil rois(also known as vedaphenix) you are assigned to protect Decanter, select 3 of the magi to join you, go to the archmagus and give her those orders. and take with you the following supplies. building materials to construct towns and castles, whatever is needed. a 15 chests of gold and gems, to provide them with a solid economic base, 4 large herds of sheep/cows and a dozen wagon loads of grain, this should provide adequate food stuffs for some time to come. and they should be able to fetch a good price from the merchants for such quality goods. they may reside with us in the mouse trap for the time being. the lands around Motinia will be theirs until stated otherwise. present these terms to fhuil. these things will be yours, as well as the protection of the Knights of Agropas, if you agree to the following standard terms for becoming a protectorate.

these terms apply until decanter reaches 7 members. 1. admit only the honorable into your number.(yes obvious, but its standard so go ahead put it down anyway) 2. free exchange of spells between the magic users of our two clans. 3. you will not make war with an ally or friend of the Crystal Dragons. 4. full disclosure as to who is in the clan.(to make sure tis not a foe we are supporting and protecting) 5. the right of trial between us. 6. no threats of violence against us. 7. duel membership.

those are the terms for becoming a protectorate. when you reach 7 members, the clan also does have one option, this is totally up to decanter however, it may choose to be absorbed, becoming a new order of knights, warriors, etc. in the Crystal Dragons Clan.

when decanter grows further, between 10-12 members. these terms apply. 1. may sever the bond between us, and cease to be a protectorate, i do not ask that the debt in gold and materials be repayed, but yea may if yea wish. 2. if they sever the bond, they may choose to remain on our lands for up to 3 rt weeks, but at the end of that time, must announce what place they will declare as their home. 3. the soldiers that are assigned will no longer be protecting yea once the bond is severed. but they will be training some of yea in combat if it is needed. 4. free exchange of spells and trade goods between our peoples. 5. duel membership.

now, when they grow to 15-20 members. they may petition for a full scale alliance and all the benefits of an ally if it is accepted. 1. free spell exchange between magi. 2. free trade. 3. mutual defence save against a friend or ally.(applies to both of us) 4. duel membership permitted. (this can be renegotiated at any time if it starts to cause problems)

those are the terms.

now, Ver0nika, you are to lead the Earth Warrioresses and present them to the Stormreaver Clan. (their hp has the e-mail address, check the allies page for it) they have already agreed to those terms, so take those same materials goods etc. to them. they may reside in Rastor, on the other side of New Agropas(the mouse trap)

now, additionally, the clan has grown i have said, and we grow very large, it is time for us to expand. i seek volunteers, i am going to begin colonizing other lands(other rp chat systems) 5 of yea will be chosen. one provincial governor, one Knight, one Warrioress, one Mage, the remaining member may be chosen by the governor. the rest of yea must petition me directly. it is first come, first serve to become the first colonists. the colony will be built in a new chat system called chatalot.---> it is to open on new years i believe, and the colony will be founded within 3 days after that. take anything yea need with yea. i will make regular visits to the colony, and no doubt others will travel back and forth between the new world and the old. remain there regurally for approximately a week. if the colony remains safe, then we may begin colonizing else where and begin founding new orders or warrioresses, magi, and knights. the colonists may begin recruiting from the locals within 24 hours after their founding the first colony. now, last but not least, a new page is going to be added today. a page that only those with knowledge of magic may access. the magic book. it will contain all of the spells gleaned from their studies and those learned from others. those in the warrior orders that wish to learn magic, do not have to transfer. find one in the magical order willing to teach yea. when yea learn 5 spells. yea may begin training in the more advanced stages if yea so desire, for the new order that is to be founded when the others have filled their ranks. the Paladinian Order. i will explain their function at a later date. faretheewell mine friends! *S* i wish yea well both ic and irl. good fortune be they fate and honor thy path. -King Archos~Crystal Dragons Clan

clan hp.--->

The 9th Letter

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