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The Terms of Protectorate Status

these terms apply until yea reach 7 members.

1. admit only the honorable into your number.(yes obvious, but its standard so i set it down anyway)

2. free exchange of spells between the magic users of our two clans.

3. you will not make war with an ally or friend of the Crystal Dragons.

4. full disclosure as to who is in the clan.(to make sure tis not a foe we are supporting and protecting)

5. the right of trial between us.

6. no threats of violence against us.

7. duel membership.

those are the first terms for becoming a protectorate. when you reach 7 members, the clan also does have one option, this is totally up to yea however, it may choose to be absorbed, becoming a new order of knights, warriors, etc. in the Crystal Dragons Clan. To sum up protectorate status, i make every major decision a.k.a. political policy etc. and yea become a subject kingdom temporarily, and when thou dost gain independence, yea wilt take back those responsibilties.

Once those terms for protectorate status art aggreed upon, the following wilt be provided:

1. A troop of Knights and or Warrioresses and 3 Magi to train and protect the protectorate(i wilt provide for their upkeep).

2. 12 chests of gold and gems per order assigned.

3. 12 loads of grain and other seed.

4. 2 herds of cows and sheep. (1 herd=1000 animals)

5. Land within one of three lands. New Agropas(the mouse trap) Camelot( the garden) or the Motinian forests.(the rainforest) these may serve only as a residence so long as protectorate status remains in effect, after which it wilt be given up to us once more. 5 chests of gold wilt be paid for its return.

6. Stone, mason's, skilled craftsmen, and materials enough to build a moderate sized city and easily defencable fortress

7. The right to travel anywhere within our lands, and if e-mail addresses art provided, the protectorate wilt recieve a letter from me each monday just as other citizens do.

when the clan grows further, between 8-12 members. these terms apply.

1. may sever the bond between us, and cease to be a protectorate, i do not ask that the debt in gold and materials be repayed, but yea may if yea wish.

2. if they sever the bond, they may choose to remain on our lands for up to 3 rt weeks, but at the end of that time, must announce what place they will declare as their home.

3. the soldiers that are assigned will no longer be protecting yea once the bond is severed. but they will continue training some of yea in combat if it is still needed.

4. A treaty of mutual nonagression may be proposed when the bond is severed.

Benefits of a nonagression treaty:

1. free exchange of spells and trade goods between our peoples.

2. duel membership.

now, when they grow to 13-20 members. they may petition for a full scale alliance and all the benefits of an ally if it is accepted:

1. free spell exchange between magi.

2. free trade.

3. mutual defence save against a friend or ally.(applies to both of us)

4. duel membership permitted. (this can be renegotiated at any time if it starts to cause problems)

Yea may be wondering, why have i made so many terms and such, but if yea think a moment, yea wilt understand. Tis outlined thus, so that when tis small and weak or dying, its survival is all but assured. they have land, protection, food, materials and money to buy with. that way they may resume their growth at a steady pace. they me petition for independence quickly, and when they have reached the point when they art ready to join the ranks of independent clans, they can defend and protect themselves. it is all set up to insure that they will become independent as quickly as possible.

those are the terms.
