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The 9th Letter

Written upon: 12-29-97

greetings once more friends and members of the clan. *S* first on the list, i have been in contact with micky, one of the people that were involved in the creation of the chathouse, a new chat system will be made. chatalot,, i belive i mentioned it before, is her latest creation, it will be open new years eve, and a masquarade party will be held there that day. the following is the letter i recieved from micky just today:

Micky Metts wrote: Hello Friends, Thanks for keeping in touch with us throughout the past year, all of your support is much appreciated as we work to get this site up and running. I am really excited to say that Chatalot will be open for New Year's Eve! We are having a New Years Masquerade Party, and you are invited to help us beta test the new rooms. The site will be open to the public starting December 31st. We have not implemented Registration as of yet, so you may enter with any handle. We opening with TEMPORARY software and we are working on a registration system, so that you may reserve your handle. Please be patient and try not to write me about it, we'll install it ASAP. Please see our help page ( for instructions on using the TEMPORARY software, there are some limitations with the Microsoft Explorer Browser, as well as some older versions of Netscape (pre 2.0). Keep in mind that the TEMPORARY software is very "Bare Bones", and we are busy creating our CUSTOM software... so please hang in there, your support means everything to us. Be aware that this system has not yet been tested for the load limit, so this will be something we will learn as we go. Things might be a bit shaky at first, as with all NEW projects. Hmmm, you can help us find out how many people will fit in Chatalot til it bursts at the seams *LOL Without your support, we could never have come this far, with your continued support we can grow and evolve in ways unimaginable now. If you receive this letter multiple times, it is because you have signed up to be notified more than once. Thank You All, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 1998!!! Micky President- FOR THOSE ABOUT TO CHAT... WE SALUTE YOU! changing lives with chat!

i hope yea wilt all be there for the party. i know not what i will go as, but be sure i will be there under the name of King Archos so yea may all find me. please be patient with chatalot, as micky once said, a great chat was not built in a day. *S*

And congratulations to Kyle Anavrin for foiling a planned attack on the court by certain people that were present in the ship. he wrot well for us this day and did honor to his clan, his order, and his commander.

Additionally, i have completed a little project that i told some few of yea about. i registered some new e-mail addresses, and then registered with angelfire. a web site provider, and got some pages registered, i distributed the passwords and directory names to the leadership of the various orders, and now each army of knights, warrioresses, and magi has its own website, which will be linked to the clan roster. i leave it up to the leaders themselves whether to allow individuals to create the hp alongside their commanders, or simply accept suggestions and make neccessary changes, or just leave it up entirely to individuals. the site that is done the best in my opinion, will be given an award. just don't DARE make a better page than i have. *LOL* just kidding. the page can be based on anything desired. a compiliation of ages done be each individual, a history of your order and what is expected of its members, a record of the accomplishments of the order and or its individual members, a history of the clan. a tribute to others. and feel free to add in out of character sections etc. if yea wish, i can send yea some good locations where javascript can be attained easily and free. angelfire also has a tutorial on how to do html (its so simple yea should master it in no time, after a few references to it). i hope yea art happy with this little surprise. i would love to hear from all of yea, i hath seen far to little of yea lately.

i myself have a new e-mail address as u likely realise by now. *S* the old one is still in existance, but i will no longer use it. and if the following people are seen, then please give them my new address and tell them to contact me:


Christopher(his name is in light blue and he has a picture by his name


Cloud Strife(founder of Avalanche)

Lathen Norrado of Eden. (tell him i lost his e-mail address, again and ask him to e-mail me here)(thanks*S*)

Lord Vampire X(he still needs to see the treaty of Protectorate status and sign it)

Dead Man Surfing(i need his e-mail address)

Kristina of Ambrosia(i need her e-mail address)

Xanitos(i wish to arrange a meeting with him)

on the sadder side of the news, the Clan DarkForce, a long time ally, and friend during the war with midnight vendetta(this war happened long before many of yea joined)has collapsed and disbanded. Vengance, its King, was unable to restore order after his father was assassinated, he disbanded the clan, and died shortly afterwards.

now for the best news of all, Queen JadenRose of the Nation of Camelot is to have a child! i know yea do all share my joy at this event. *VBS*

thank yea friends, i look forward to seeing yea in chatalot and hearing from yea today and in the future, which reminds me, the final order of business, 4 brave members have volunteered to follow Kitasha as colonists of chatalot, there are only 2 more slots left, if yea wish to volunteer, then do so quickly. also, the Nation of Camelot, and the ShadowClan, will also be colonizing those lands, so we will not be alone or unaided.

p.s.: those of yea that art new members, go here--> tis the clan roster, allowing yea to see who else is in the clan, feel free to contact one another, or have me introduce yea if yea art to shy. tis no trouble and there is no shame in it. i wish yea to get to know one another, and be loyal to one another as well as to the clan itself and to me personally. also go here---> tis the previous letters i have sent out. yea may wish to see them.

and finally if yea do not have icq, go here---->

if yea do have it, my uin is:4575673

List of lands held by the Crystal Dragons Clan: The Garden(shared with Camelot, the lands we hold there art known as Motinia) The Mouse Trap(shared with Camelot, our capital city, New Agropas, is here) The Amazon Rainforest(Shared with Clan Sastra and the Amazon Warriors, the lands we hold there are known as the Tirian Plains, tis only sparsly settled)

good fortune be upon yea my brothers and sisters in honor, in battle, in the clan, and in the spirit. thy King, King Archos

p.p.s.: the list of those kyle heard plotting: Sir Vlad Knight (King of Odium) Perrin Ayberra supa cool Sarah Mizinski Ice Cold wanted to help, but not fight
