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The 10th Letter

written: 1-5-98

Greetings and happy new year, members of the Crystal Dragons Clan, i am in good humor today, and do not wish to bore yea. So i wilt make this brief. out of character for a moment, i am to return on Thursday. and in character, to celebrate this, i am going to throw a party. A costume party most likely, in each of our lands, ranging from the Dragons lair in Chatalot, the Garden, the Mouse Trap, and the Amazon Rainforest. Additionally, Camelot is going to hold a tournament, both Knights and Magi will be able to participate. contact Queen JadenRose for further information. Warrioresses of course may participate, if the queen can gather enough women to do so. I do hope you will all be there.

Also if you do not mind me being out of character yet again, i have good news. as many of you know, in real life i am writting a novel,(theres an excert on my page) and it was finished yesterday evening. The Crystal Dragon Saga, will take me about a week to edit, then i'll send it off to a publisher. I am going to dedicate it in part to "my friends in the Chathouse, without thier creative inspiration this book would never have been written."

In character again, i notice that some of you have begun work on the hp for your order. You have made fine beginnings i must say, i am proud of yea. To those of yea that have not yet begun it, I hope yea do so soon. That is all for now. Faretheewell mine friends and subjects!


-King Archos
