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The Rise and Fall of the Clan Dark Force

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My grandfather, ~L0\/ER~B0Y~, created DarkForce over a argument with Avegelyne to show her off. It took a while, but after a month or so he got his first member, Immortal Empress. He adopted a son, DragonHeart, before he mispronounced an indian spell that started killing him. It was well known to Avengelyne that he was dying and very elderly and it was well known to her husband to be also, but she did not care at about 7 days to his death. He was talking about her which was how he used to feel not how he felt at the time. He did not put up a fight. He was unarmed. It was a one post kill. Lathen was responsible. DragonHeart went on a rampage and swore to kill Avengelyne and Lathen. Archos said, to my understanding, that he was responsible for Avengelyne's actions that night, April the 1st, 1997 to be precise (using her handle). He saw through it soon. His rages calmed and tried to see the future. My father went to Lathen and asked for lessons but was denied. He tried to stop from raging, but one night trashed his home in outrage. From then on hated Avengelyne and despised Lathen even more when he was about to forgive them. Soon he adopted me, Vengeance. He tried hiring assassins, but in doing so he had a assassin couple join. I caused fights and started a war with the midnight vendetta. *l* But was resolved soon enough because there was only one attack on their part. My father helped in the war of Ice Thugs and Mutiny Alliance v.s. Eden even after what the leaders did to his family. The little stories go on and on so i will cut to the interesting part. Eventually he was talking in another chat site and in the double screen he was talking to me in an unlisted private room and left suddenly on November the 24th, 1997. I assumed he was going to Shangri La. I found that he was stabbed in the back with an enchanted dagger. His last words were, "don't trust ede..." I assumed Avengelyne was responsible in one way or another but I needed to find out who. I held a funeral. Veda, giddion, Archos and I attended (all I could remember). Giddion made "hilarious" jokes. For example, "Dragon Heart was the mother of all pricks. Thank you. Thank you," in the largest font with Veda laughing in her drunken voice. I said a few words and you, Archos, said some. We were the only ones seeming to care. The fallowing morning I told The king and queen of Eden. Veda didn't care to much over her poor diplomacy for the other evening at the time, but she never did. I asked you, Archos, to adopt me. He accepted. I failed to see who was killing my family (my great aunts, Spice, Sugar, and M, were killed in between me being adopted and DragonHeart's death), so I thought that the DarkForce clan was in shambles and ceased to exist to all but myself. I had no heirs to pass it on to so if it was going to fall it would not cause anyone else's death. DarkForce was the key to my family's assassination. I know it. But if I join another clan or kingdom there will be an heir to it, and it would cause mass killings. So if I die it will end it all. So I am asking you to kill me, Archos.

Your Son,
*he stabs him quickly in the heart on December the 14th, 1997 and his body burns up and explodes in ashes* DarkForce's page last updated on the day before DragonHeart's death... Dark Force HP I will be among you.

Thus is the rise and fall of the Dark Force Clan, as set down by King Vengance, as is customary, i wilt attain the perspective of their foes as well
