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The Method of Advancement

*As you look through the book bearing the seal of the King and the Emblem of the Crystal Dragons Clan, you come upon a section listing the time honored methods for advancing up through the ranks*

1. your commander dies or resigns. if he resigns honorably, he may name his replacement, if not, then he cannot, and the one above him may name the successor.

2. if you believe you are worthy of the position held by your superior. then you may either take your plea to one of the judges(listed on the justice of the clan page) or myself. if you disagree, then you may of course, challenge him or her for the position, in battle that is NOT to the death.

3. if one order of knights, mages, or warrioresses grows to large, (more than 12 in it) and another is formed, you may request to be the leader of it, and if you can state an adequate reason as to why you deserve the position, then you may have it. (there are 14 in the Knights of the Crystal Dragon, so a new order will be formed soon)

4. exemplary actions in battle. (i.e. a surprise attack against us is made, and you manage to rally those present to defeat or escape from the foe may earn a promotion)

5. a growing reputation for honor. (i.e. many outsiders know of you and believe that you are honorable, helpful, and put trust in you, enemies fear to go against you in battle or those led by you. this may earn you a promotion if you petition for it)

Now, on this note, if you petition for a promotion(can only move up 2 ranks at a time as a general rule, though exceptions cna be made), and it is denied,you may be demoted up to one rank for each level higher you try to rise. i.e. the 1st knight of the Order of the Crystal Dragons petitions to move up 2 places to the rank of Duke, displacing Darion. if he succeeds, Darion moves down to 1st knight and the 1st knight becomes duke. if he fails, then he moves down 2 ranks and becomes an ordinary warrior. if one at the bottom of the ranks, a warrior of little repute or experience, petitions for the rank of knight, and fails, then nothing happens, but he must wait for at least 30 days before petitioning again. no more than one petition every 20 days.

Thus art the means for advancing. Do honor to thy clan and thy people and thyself, and yea may rise.
