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Here is the excert from my novel, currently entitled, "The Crystal Dragon Saga"

King Kul stood near the camp fire, his great Bastard Sword, the heirloom of his house and the blade worn by every King of Kuldra since his great father ruled so long ago, was held tightly in his armored hand, he looked about the barren wasteland that bordered on the Wolf Swamps while the others slept. Somewhere in the distance, a howl pierced the chill night air, the howl of a wolf. Soon it was joined by others, then others, soon a thousand howls filled the night, making sleep impossible. Drethgarn held his great war ax before him, and Berdos held his immovable blade defensively, and moved around with quick, rapid steps, never leaving his back open for long, Beth did not stir. No time to wake her now, as the snow began to fall thickly upon the cold ground, hundreds of golden eyes began to appear...

If you liked that, then look for the book some time next year.

Excert from "Tale of the Godslayers"

The little one seemed to laugh as it touched her warm talon, and her mate let loose a roar of triumph that shook the palace to its foundations and was heard for miles around. With one thrust of his mighty hind legs, he launched himself into the air, through the open window on wings strong enough to set a ship's sails full without wind. As he ascended to the sky, he continued his triumphant roar, bellowing out "I HAVE A SON!" for all to hear, and hear they did. Answering roars and shouts of joy came from throughout the palace walls and courtyards and from throughout many parts of the great capital, the word would be carried quickly, no doubt messengers were already on their way out to other parts of the mighty kingdom. But for now, Ard Rhi Archos danced amongst the clouds, the dance of celebration and triumph that had been performed for his father and his father and all his father's before him.

Zyan's heart was glad in her mighty breast as little Archos Zyan waddled towards her experimentally, yes young lads and lasses, dragons walk from the beginning of their lives. They are born with muscle enough to do so. And little Archos Zyan was no exception, his wings were folded in tight, as yet he could not spread them out to fly. Though indeed he wished to do so as he looked up to his father and saw him rocket heavenward to dance. An intricate pattern it was, no crude flying, nor wild circling like a drunken bee, no, this was an art he saw, as many would come to see and perform in the following days.

Zyan saw this desire in her son to join his father, and as her mother and her mother and indeed all mothers since the first, she picked him up in her talons and held him tight to her body. And launched herself up towards the Ard Rhi, to give her son the first taste of the sky that was his destiny to rule over. Little Archos's eyes were bright and shining with joy as he took a deep draught of the sky and squealed with pleasure as his mother moved with the fluid grace surpassing the birds. She spun and danced with her love amongst the clouds, and one by one the rest of the people joined them in the dance, the intricate pattern repeated by each with such perfection as to be a tapestry woven by the artists of old.
