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As set down by King Archos

1. Honor all of thy clan, be they above of below thee. For they art art deserving of thy respect.

2. Ne'er leave a good soul in need.

3. Respect is given unto all until it is shown to be undeserved.

4. Thy word is thy bond

5. There is no honor in false valor.

6. The back is the easiest place to strike, but tis the most dishonorable.

7. Ne'er strike, until thy right cannot be questioned, then delay not.

8. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. Always learn what thou art getting involved in, afore thou dost act.

9. Defend the Clan with thy life.

10. Defend those that cannot defend themselves.

11. Ne'er give up hope of honor, no matter what thy deeds. There is no honor in suicide.

12. If thou dost think thyself worthy of a position held by another. Then challenge, do not subvert.

13. Ne'er leave one of thy own behind.

14. Victory without honor is worthless.

15. Ne'er end thy vigilence. We must always be ready to fight to preserve the honor, the clan, our allies, our families, our friends, the land, and all that we hold dear.

Thus is the code of the Crystal Dragons Clan. Ne'er flag in thy devotion to it. Nor dispair when thou dost fail it. The honor is in the effort.

The History of the Crystal Dragons Clan Empire
