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Scripture text 1Samuel 11:1 - 15:35
Memory Verse 1Samuel 13:14
I Just Couldn't Wait
(Butch on stage) (Looking around for Liz)
Butch: Where is that Liz at, she stood me up yesterday, now she is late again.
We were supposed to go somewhere with her brother from college. Some kind of surprise.....
(Liz enters stage)
Liz: Butch where were you yesterday?
Butch: Where was I. Where were you chick. I waited a whole 10 minutes....
Liz: 10 minutes, (laughing) 10 minutes, you wouldn't wait no longer than 10 minutes
(still laughing) You are about as impatient......
( Butch cuts her off)
Butch: Well it had been raining all
week and I just didn't want to waste a sunny day so I left and went Skateboarding,
I just couldn't wait.....
Liz: I told you I had a surprise..... (very snotty) you really missed it.
Butch: Missed what, your brother isn't so cool, he doesn't even own a skateboard!
Liz: Yeah, but he does have a four wheeler! We took it down
to the bottoms all that mud from the rain. We had a really good time...
(make motor sounds)
( Bouncing around like riding a 4 wheeler)
Butch: Whoa..
Liz: I was COVERED with mud, It was so cool. He let me drive it!!!
You were supposed to drive it too, you should have waited.
Butch: You, covered with mud... a girl!!!
Liz: Hey, girls are people too!!!
Butch: How was I supposed to know, you just said it was a surprise. Not a 4 wheeler trip.
Liz: Oh Butch: You are just like King Saul.
Butch: They were at war! We're talking 4 wheeler's here!
Liz: But you still didn't obey, so you missed out, Saul missed out on being
King for his whole life. You missed out on going Mudding on a 4 wheeler!!!
Butch: Well if God had've told me.
Liz: Remember the memory verse?
1Samuel 13:14 says "The Lord has sought for Himself a man after his own heart..."
You really need to obey. You know Butch, God told me to invite you but you wouldn't wait....
Butch: What was that memory verse again?
Liz: 1Samuel 13:14, you say it with me!
Both Say: "The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart"....
Butch: What about let's ask your brother if maybe....
Liz: We could go to the mud again?!
Butch: You got it. (Leaving stage)
Liz: Lets go see.....bet he will.
Butch: Cool.....
"I Just Couldn't Wait" ©Chris Cullum 2/19/99
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