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Valentine Skit

Attention: This skit contains a controversial subject; Puppet Salvation. Some people beleive that puppets praying or having a relationship with God is decieving to young children. After lengthy discussions with the pastoral staff at my Church the pastors decided they saw nothing wrong with it. I have rewritten the skit ending to suit those against puppet salvation.
The first version is the original (Holy Spirit) version.
The second is the edited version.

Please, let the Lord guide you in your decision which one to use.

A Valentine For Sally

Scene One

(Seth & Butch on stage)

Seth "It's Valentines Day Butch, who are you going to give one to?"

Butch "I'm not telling you dude, you'll tell the whole school, man."

Seth "C'mon Butch I won't tell. You tell me and I'll tell you, gotta deal?"

Butch "Ok man but you better not tell. Come here and I'll whisper it to you."
(Seth comes closer and Butch whispers to him)

Seth (yelling loudly teasing Butch) "Butch loves Liz, Butch loves Liz...Kissy face, Kissy face Butch loves Liz."

Butch (pushes Seth to get him to shut up) "You said you wouldn't tell man, your a real rat, man...(Leaving stage) See ya later dude."

Note: This skit requires audience participation. Use a Pastor or Teacher, give them a script and reherse with them. Change the names to what you need.

Seth (Looking at audience) "He just doesn't have a sense of humor. Hey you in the front row. Yeah you...big handsom good-looking smart intelligent guy with the glasses stand up! Who is your valentine? Your name is Larry right? C'mon tell me Larry..."

Larry (answers)

Seth "So, do you love her?"

Larry (answers)
Seth (mocking)" Larry loves Donna, Larry loves Donna, Kissy face, Kissy face, Larry loves Donna." (exits mocking Larry)
Scene Two

(Sally & Liz enter talking)

Liz "So Sally, it's Valentines day. Did you bring anybody a valentine?"

Sally "Yeah I've got one, it's for Butch. You know, that guy with the long hair."

Liz "Yeah I know him; he's kinda weird don't you think?"

Sally "He's sweet, you just don't know him very well."

Liz Hey, we better hurry up, we'll be late for class.

(Liz & Sally leave stage)


Scene Three

(After school scene)

Butch "Hey Seth, so did you get one man?"

Seth "Yeah, got one from Liz, (conceited) sorry man."

Butch "Hey, she gave me one too, so don't let your head get too big dude... Look here they come!"

(Sally & Liz enter)

Seth "Hi Liz, did you get my valentine card?"

Butch "Ah Ah...yeah man, did you get mine too?"

Liz "Yeah, I got yours Seth, yours too Butch...I also got one from Jeff, John, Mitch, and Carl !"

Seth "How about you Sally? Who all gave you one?"

Sally (hesitates and looks real sad) I..I..didn't get one.

Seth "You didn't get one?.....toooooo baaaaaad." (mocking) "Sally didn't get one, nobody loves Sally."

Butch (pushes Seth to shut him up) "Come on Seth don't be a jerk man, come on lets go dude. Lets go see who else got one."

(Butch and Seth leave stage)

Liz "Sally, I am sorry those guys are such jerks. Maybe next year you will get a valentine.... well, gotta dad is turning into the parking lot." Do you want a ride?

Sally (sadly) "No, I will just walk."

Liz "Ok...see ya!!" (leaves stage)

Sally (sadly) "Yeah..see ya."

(Sally walking suddenly the squirrel appears)

Sally (perks up) "Hi Mr. Squirrel, you're so lucky you don't have to worry about having a valentine...all you have to do is dig up acorns and climb trees."

Squirrel "No, I don't have to worry about anything!"

Sally (looks very surprised & interrupts the squirrel) "Squirrels can't talk!!!"

Squirrel "With men this is impossible...but with God all things are possible."

Sally " Well, if you can talk, how can I get a valentine? Nobody loves me...nobody cares."

Squirrel "I started to tell you...God supplies me with everything that I need."

Sally "How do I get God to take care or my needs?"

Squirrel "As it is written in Matthew 6:33...""Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall added to you."

Sally "How do I seek the kingdom of God?"

Squirrel Through the Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor Larry come on up and pray the sinners prayer so she can be added in to the kingdom.

(pastor/teacher comes up and prays with her)

Sally (After prayer thanks Larry and leaves stage) "Thank you (their name)."

Scene Four

(Butch, Seth, & Liz on stage cutting up)

Butch "Here comes Sally...Seth, you be nice!!"

Sally (comes in singing) Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world...

Liz (interrupts Sally) "What are you so happy about?"

Sally I got my valentine after all. My valentine was with me all the was Jesus.

Butch "I've heard about him at church!!"

Liz " Me too!!"

Seth (not excited) " too."

Sally Well, he really does love you...even you Seth !!.... and if you give Jesus a chance, he will change your life.

(they all exit stage singing)
....Jesus loves the little children..all the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white...they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.

ATTENTION: Alternative Ending Begins Here...

Scene Three

(After school scene)

Butch "Hey Seth, so did you get one man?"

Seth "Yeah, got one from Liz, (conceited) sorry man."

Butch "Hey, she gave me one too, so don't let your head get too big dude... Look here they come!"

(Sally & Liz enter)

Seth "Hi Liz, did you get my valentine card?"

Butch "Ah Ah...yeah man, did you get mine too?"

Liz "Yeah, I got yours Seth, yours too Butch...I also got one from Jeff, John, Mitch, and Carl !"

Seth "How about you Sally? Who all gave you one?"

Sally (hesitates and looks real sad) I..I..didn't get one.

Seth "You didn't get one?.....toooooo baaaaaad." (mocking) "Sally didn't get one, nobody loves Sally."

Butch (pushes Seth to shut him up) "Come on Seth don't be a jerk man, come on lets go dude. Lets go see who else got one."

(Butch and Seth leave stage)

Liz "Sally, I am sorry those guys are such jerks. Maybe next year you will get a valentine.... well, gotta dad is turning into the parking lot." Do you want a ride?

Sally (sadly) "No, I will just walk."

Liz "Ok...see ya!!" (leaves stage)

Sally (sadly) "Yeah..see ya."

(Sally walking suddenly the squirrel appears)

Sally (perks up) "Hi Mr. Squirrel, you're so lucky you don't have to worry about having a valentine...all you have to do is dig up acorns and climb trees."

Squirrel "No, I don't have to worry about anything!"

Sally (looks very surprised & interrupts the squirrel) "Squirrels can't talk!!!"

Squirrel "With men this is impossible...but with God all things are possible."

Sally " Well, if you can talk, how can I get a valentine? Nobody loves me...nobody cares."

Squirrel "I started to tell you...God supplies me with everything that I need."

Sally "How do I get God to take care of my needs?"

Squirrel "As it is written in Matthew 6:33...""Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall added to you."

Sally "How do I seek the kingdom of God?"

Squirrel You need to hear about Jesus! Pastor Larry come up here and tell Sally about Jesus.

(pastor/teacher comes up and tells about John 3:16)

Sally (After talking about John 3:16, thanks Larry and leaves stage) "Thank you (their name)."

Scene Four

(Butch, Seth, & Liz on stage cutting up)

Butch "Here comes Sally...Seth, you be nice!!"

Sally (comes in singing) Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world...

Liz (interrupts Sally) "What are you so happy about?"

Sally I got my valentine after all. God gave us all a valentine, it was Jesus!

Butch "I've heard about him at church!!"

Liz " Me too!!"

Seth (not excited) " too."

Sally Well, he really does love us...even you Seth !!.... and if you give Jesus a chance, he will change your life.

(they all exit stage singing)
....Jesus loves the little children..all the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white...they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.

©Chris Cullum "A Valentine For Sally" ©1996 Not to be sold or used for profit without writer's written approval.

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