1 Timothy:1,12-14 I thank Jesus Christ our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
I thank the Lord Jesus for The Blood He shed on the Cross, without him I am nothing.
My Bio; I was born in Alameda, CA. In 1955, I am married (to the most wonderful woman I know) with five children, four living at home, one living in Conway Arkansas.
For 24 years I was in the world, Drinking and Drugging. I can’t remember the times I woke up at home, or some place else, not knowing how I got there. My life had been a mess since my discharge from the Navy in 1974. Three failed marriages,(two to the same woman, I didn't learn my lesson the first time so I went back for more) too many nights in jail to count, a three year sentence to the Arkansas Dept. of Corrections (suspended) for possession of controlled substances, and still I would not change the way I was living. My Mom, a Pentecostal Minister for 35 years could not get me to change, even with all the prayers she sent up. They (the prayers) did keep me from harm. Now don't get me wrong I did go to church and all that but I was not dedicated. I had it down pat, I would walk in at 10am on Sunday play the Bass for the Hymns, Then out to the parking lot to smoke, back in at 10:45 for the second set of Hymns. Then out and home to the easy chair and the game or what ever else was on TV. Suck down a 6pk and two or three joints. All the time I would say I was saved. Little did I know I was Hell Bound in a hand Basket. Then it all changed, the day the Holy Spirit said to my wife and I, GO to Morrilton Christian Center. I have known the Sr. Pastor's there all of my adult life. When Larry gave the altar call that morning, down I went and dedicated my life to The Lord. This was in August of 1996. As Paul put it, Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I am now transformed, and saved by the grace of God. On May 17th 1998 I became an Associate Minister of Video Outreach, On June 26th 2000 I was Licened to Preach.
On 10-22-2000 I was Ordained by World Vision Fellowship.
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