It's Like Herding Cats!

Here are all my fuzzy feline friends! Click on their pictures to see even more!

Note: These pages will be under construction very slowly...some pictures will not have links to anywhere, because I do not have the other pictures scanned. Please be patient with me!

more pics of Armani

Armani (aka Miss Marni)

We're pretty well convinced that Miss Marni is a purebred ragdoll cat...but we can't prove it because we got her at the pound. She looks just like the picture of a ragdoll cat that I've seen; she does that "go limp when you pick her up" thing that's characteristic of ragdolls; and she has the temperment and medical problems of a purebred animal. Not that we really care that she's a purebred; we just think that it's neat.

Miss Marni was my baby. I say "was" because she died on June 13, 2001. She was allergic to fleas, but the vitamins with the brewer's yeast had been working just fine. Until then. My mom came home to find Miss Marni's face all bloody from flea bites. Mom rushed her to the vet, but she died. I wish for her all the Dental Diet she can eat. At least now Tabby isn't alone.

more pics of Bug


Bug is the last surviving child of Momma Cat, the first cat that adopted us when we moved to Arkansas. (I hope I find some pictures of her somewhere! I miss her so much!) His original name was Spitz, but we called him by his nickname, Bug, so much that he doesn't even know his original name anymore.

more pics of Cass

Cassious (aka Cass)

Cass isn't actually my cat; he's my ex-roommate's. I have more pictures of him than any of my cats because he was living with me at the time and my cats live with my mother. I often used him to finish off rolls of film...a picture here, two pictures there...and it really adds up. And don't let that innocent face fool you; he isn't called "Rat" for nothing!

more pics of Ginger


Another one of the cats we got at the pound. Ginger is a very descriptive name for her, not only of her coloring but also of her personality. She has a squirrel tail (which you can't see very well in this picture), and you can always tell her mood by watching how she moves it.


Puff is one of Tabu and Bug's children. He is such a goofball! (As you'll notice as I get more of the cats on here, our boy cats all tend to end up with "girlie" names...)

more pics of Tabu

Tabu (aka Tabby)

She is one of the three cats we got at the pound. Tabby doesn't much like having her picture taken, so the ones of her are not the best. Hopefully sometime later I'll be able to get some better ones.

My time ran out. She was hit by a car on June 10, 2001. She'll be buried at my sister Suzan's house, next to one of her dogs. Hopefully, wherever she is now, she has plenty of bottle caps to play with.
