.a: Archive of the "ar" program (an object library). .afm: Adobe Font Manager (?) A Type 1 font in AFM format; ATM-compatible. .arj: Unknown type of commpressed archive. There is an "unarj" decompressor. .bash: A script in the Born-Again-Shell language. .bat: Various kinds of batch command files. (Of M$ heritage.) .bdf: A bitmapped font in BDF format. .bmp: BMP graphical file. (Of M$Win and OS/2 heritage). .btm: Unknown type of executable file. .c: C source code. .cc: C++ source code. .cf: Various kinds of configuration files; usually a text file. .cfg: Various kinds of configuration files; usually a text file. .cgm: A non-proprietary vector graphics file format. .cmd: Various kinds of command files. .com: Various kinds of command files.(Of VAX/VMS and M$ heritage.) .csh: A script in the C-Shell language. .conf: Various kinds of configuration files; usually a text file. .cpp: C++ source code. .cxx: C++ source code. .doc: Various kinds of documents, usually Unix text files. .dvi: TeX output file. .exe: Various kinds of executable files; often an M$ OS file. .h: C or C++ source code include files. .g3: G3 Fax file. .gif: GIF graphical file. .gmo A GNU-format Machine Object file. See "gettext" info. .gsf: Ghostscript Font; Type 1 outline font not for ATM (for Ghostscript only or any PS interpreter) .gz: Compressed by the gzip program. .htm: Same as .html but usually only as copied from the M$ world. .html: Hyper-Text Markup Language file used by WWW browers. .jpg: JPEG file. .ksh: A script in the Korn-Shell language. .l: unknown .lsm: An entry of the Linux Software Map. .lzh: Commpressed by the lha (LHa/LHarc) program. .mo A Machine Object file. See "gettext" info. .mod: unknown .o: An object (module) file. A compiler output. .orig: Usually a backup of the "original" version of a file. .pdf: Adobe's Page Description Format file. .pfa: Postscript Font A; Type 1 outline font for ATM or any PS interpreter. .pfb: Postscript Font B; Type 1 outline font for ATM or any PS interpreter. .pfm Postscript Font Manager A Type 1 font in PFM format; ATM-compatible. .png Portable Network Graphics (?) (PNG) format file. .po A Portable Object file. See "gettext" info. .pot Temorary Portable Object file. See "gettext" for info. .pox A temporary Portable Object file. See "gettext" for info. .ps: Adobe's Postscript language (input) file. .rar: unknown; some kind of M$ archive, I suspect. .rpm: Archive used with the "rpm" package management program. .rpmsave: A backup file created by the "rpm" program. .sh: A script in the Bourne shell language. .sgml: Structured Generalized Markup Language file. .so: Shared Object module (linking) library. .tar: An archive of the "tar" program. .taz: Unknown type of commpressed file. .tex: TeX input file. .texi: Input to the texinfo (?) program. .tgz: An archive of the "tar" program compressed with the -z option. .tif: TIFF .tiffg3: TIFFG3 Fax file. .troff: Input to the troff (text run-off?) program. .ttf: TrueType Font. .txt: Text file; usually with "^J" (newline) end-of-line markers. .wav: Sound data of a certain kind. .xbm: XBM graphical file. Monochrome. .xpm: XPM graphical file. .xml: Extensible Markup Language (?) file. .zip: Compressed with one of the "zip" programs. .Z: Compressed with the "compress" program. .z: Compressed with the "gzip" program, usually. rc: Various kinds of configuration files; usually a text file. .: tbd