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Samuel Walters

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Samuel Walters was born a slave in 1840 in Arkansas. His mother was born in North Carlina and brought to Northwest Arkansas while a child. Samuel while a young man in his 20's was sold into the Choctaw Nation and became a slave of Jim Davis a wealthy slave owner in Indian Territory. After the Civil War, he married Lucinda Quesenbery from Missouri, and had a family in Van Buren Arkansas. Being able to read and write, Walters became known in the Crawford County community and emerged as a leader, serving as a Minister of the Gospel in his NW Arkansas home. He frequented the Choctaw Nation however, a land to which he had become accustomed. It is not known exactly when he began working in the Western District of Arkansas, but by the late 1870's he was one of several blacks hired to work out of Judge Isaac C. Parker's court. He was bilingual and served the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, and often used to travel to distances as far away as Texas to capture criminals to bring to the Ft. Smith Court for trial. In the early 1880's Samuel Walters, had his own personal case that was heard in the Ft. Smith court. He was bringing a criminal from the State of Texas who had several warrants for his arrest. He stopped along his route back to Ft. Smith, at the Little River courthouse and jail. The prisoner --- James Campbell was housed in the Little River Arkansas jail, and managed somehow to escape. Samuel Walters was acckused of having accepted a bribery allowing the prisoner to escape. Walters fought this case vehemently. For the next 2-3 years he spent time defending his case held at the Ft. Smith court. The final outcome of the case is still being researched.

One of his defenders in his own case referred to Samuel as having been an honest man, and extremely professional US Deputy Marshal of high integrity and honesty. Samuel Walters was known to be a deputy of courage and character, whose personal qualities were known by those who were in contact with him. Being a man who was literate his literacy skills would have been an asset for him in both Indian Territory and the United States.

It is known that by the late 1880's Walters had left the court of the Western District of Arkansas, and went back to his life as a Baptist preacher. He travelled to many places throughout the Arkansas/Indian Territory community. In addition, he also had remarried this time to an African Choctaw woman---Sallie Anchatubbee Williams. Sallie was the daughter of Amanda Anchatubbee, and Eastman Williams, a Choctaw Indian. During this same time, he also changed his name from Walters to Walton. He and wife Sallie, had 3 sons--- Samuel, Houston, and Louisa--a child by an earlier marriage of Sallie. Samuel did maintain close contact also with the children of his first wife Lucinda. These children used the name Walters for many years, they in later years they also began to use the name Walton.

Samuel Walters (now Walton) was admitted into full citizenship in the Choctaw Nation as was the rest of his family---and he remained mostly in the area that is now known as LeFlore County Oklahoma. He died in 1912 in Howe Oklahoma, survived by his wife Sallie Walton , and son Samuel Walton