
    14 december 2005
    Okay! So it takes me years to work on a website, but it really makes a difference when you are on your own computer with everything already pre-made you just upload everything to the page and make links, and fix images and your done.

    Well, my computer is broken, with EVERYTHING trapped on it! So, I'm just fixing what I already had on the site and rearranging and such. I like the new color and this is v.06 Dick Pink because it's something between me and my two good friends and I wanted to do it this way... yeah.

    15 jan 04
    What a difference between the last update and todays? Opps. I joined some more cliques, give the index page a face lift, and started working in the "ME" section earlier this morning... go me. I'm working it! I'm working it!

    12 aug 03
    Ok, so I lied about getting everything up within the weekend.. what weekend was that anyways? I've had a lot of personal problems this past two weeks (when have I not) and the site is the last thing I've been thinking about. but I promise, to get it and everything up within a total of 3 weeks. how's that? think that's enough time for me? I hope so.

    03 aug 03
    Me: go here https://www.angelfire.com/ar/giveitup/ and tell me what you think of the overall appearance.
    Silent Bob: the layout of this site is a nice basic design.... needs more options...
    Me: it'll have more. I've had a block for about 3 years. . I couldn't think of anything..
    Me: but last night, I got the layout idea. and just went with it.. and it's so easy.
    Silent Bob: its kinda tough sometimes...
    Silent Bob: but you have the basic idea getting across... so yeah its nice.. and doesnt look totally amatuer or crappy so thats a plus;...
    Me: thank you. it's look almost professional.. doesn't it.
    Silent Bob: yeah almost... if it wasnt for the fan site and half naked guy shit... i would think so.

    That's a good friend of mine and I talking earlier today about the site. lol, it went on from the last comment, but you get the basic idea. so far, 1 person likes it! go me! I rock!
    Anyways, getting more sections together.. I'm guessing by the end of the coming weekend, I'll have the majority of it up and ready for your viewing pleasure. I hope.

    03 aug 03
    I created new layouts for the fiction side of the site. not all stories got it, but they will by tomorrow. also tomorrow, will be working on the whole sites, layout & content, will be looking forward to that. I'm just so freakin' happy that I found an layout that's so much easier to work with and to design. and the colors set off the picture really well, least I think. Peace, Kat.
