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SNIPER RIFLE GLITCH: Go to the dam, dont shoot anyone, switch to unarmed, (your karate chop) pick up the sniper rifel and press A three times really fast. If you did it right, your unarmed will look really wierd!

TANK HEAD: Go into any levle with an army tank and get in it. Switch to the weapon thats before the tank weapon, press A and then B. Youll be able to shoot missiles out of your head!!!

RUNING TO FAR: In the first bunker, put on fast animation, complete your objectives, and leave. He'll keep runing until he gets into the forest.

FLOATING MINES: Go to either one of the bunkers with all weapons, or go to multiplayer with remote mines, then throw a remote mine on each of the screens hanging off the ciling, once they all have a remote mine on them, blow them up, and for the rest of the game youll have floating mines!

3 GAURD GLITCH: Put on infinite ammo. Go to surface 2, wait till someone is about to pull the pin on a grenade, shoot him and pick it up, make sure you complete your objectives, throw a grenade down the exit and then run down. If it went far enuof it will kill the three gaurds that take you hostage.

KILL TREVALYAN AND GAURDS IN THE STATUE: Go to the statue, when you see trevalyan walking towards you in thee meeting place, kill him while hes walking, the gaurds will continue walking, you can kill all 4 of them 1 at a time and they wont notice!!!

DISAPEERING NATALYA: When the helicopter explodes, if it lands right infront of you, just at the bottom of that first hill, you can grab before Natalya will start to run, but when she starts, she dissapeers to the gates!

BLOW UP NATALYA: Go to the Archives with 2X Grenade Launchers, get Natalya and on your way out the window, aim down and fire with the grenade launchers, they should hit the ground ouside, Natalya will be killed. you can see her die in the video, yet you still complete the mission!

INVISIBLE ODDJOB: Go to the archives in multiplayer, be Oddjob, blow up one of the grey boxes downstairs in the big room and only make it blow once! Then walk so your right in the middle of it then duck, you will be invisible!

D5K GLITCH: Go to the depot, put on slow animation, get the D5K Deustche and go into the train. He wont stop firing. Its halarious.

GET CAUGHT BY THE FIRE: In the train put slow animation, when you exit the levle you'll be caught by the fire.

NATALYAS TELAKENISIS: When natalyas working on the computer in control, shoot her leg, she'll back up, and still work!

TOUGH TREVALYAN: Put on invisibility in the caverns, Trevalyan will be standing right in front of you when you exit the elivater, you can keep on shooting him and around him, but he wont budge!

WATER GLITCH: Take a timed mine, and throw it in some wter when you walk down those walkways. The mine will land on the water and stary there like its stuck to it! HELICOPTER GLITCH: In the cradle put on slow or fast animation, once you kill trevalyan and destroy the computer, when you leave, on fast animation, when he grabes on the helicopter, he'll slide right off it in the air, but he'll just float, with slow animation, the helicopter will leave without him.

TELIPORTATION: In aztec, turn on turbo mode, when you launch the shuttle, run as far away from the shuttle as possible, but in the video, it still shows him standing beside it.