1. Exit the air shaft and the bathroom as quickly as possible. Don't engage any soldiers.
2. As you run down the stair, switch weapons so your Remote Mines are selected. Plant one on a wooden crate outside the guard room where the remote door console is located.
3. Turn around and head towards the door underneath the stairs. As soon as you can, press A and B together to detonate the mine.
4. Switch to the Silenced PP7, open the door, shoot the guard, and get the Clearance Keycard and KF7 he'll drop.
5. Switch to the KF7, run to the guard room (which the Remote Mine explosion cleared for you), and trigger the remote door. You'll probably get a bit more ammo for your KF7 as you do this.
6. Head for the opened remote door, and keep running all the way to the hallway. Don't waste your time on any guards; keep moving to avoid as much damage as possible, especially if you're waiting for a door to open.
7. As you run down the hallway, stick as much to the left or right as possible to let the beams absorb some of the guards' shots. Again, don't engage the guards, and keep running.
8. After you're through the set of two doors, turn left towards the lab. Here, take out any guards that are in front of you.
9. Before you reach the closed remote door, be sure to take out the guard hiding on the left. The sound from the shots will cause the guard on the other side of the door to open it.
10. Shoot that guard and head up the stairs. Switch your weapon to the Remote Mines.
11. Run down the passage and dodge to avoid as many shots as possible. Don't engage the guards. At the corner with the three rooms, look for Dr. Doak.
Very Important Note: Dr. Doak's placement in this level is random. If he is not here, you will need to restart the level. You might have to do this many, many times.
12. As soon as Dr. Doak begins speaking to you, run towards the bottling room -- you don't need to stay with him. The Door Decoder will appear in your inventory automatically.
13. At the last turn before the bottling room, plant a Remote Mine next to the last set of guards.
14. Run past the guards, and set off the mine (press A and B) as you approach the door. Go to your inventory screen and use the Door Decoder to open the door.
15. Switch to your Remote Mines (you should have 3) and run down by the tanks. 006 will start talking to you.
16. Stand away from the tanks, and throw a mine between the first four tanks. Detonate it (A and B) in mid-air. You can avoid hurting 006 by tossing the mines high enough.
17. Move down to the next set of four undamaged tanks and repeat.
18. Move down to the last two tanks and repeat.
19. Open the door and exit the level.
And a big special thanks to RED SPYDER, because I got this from his page.
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