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Shri Shri Guru Gourango Jayateh
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare       Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

The Goudiya Art Gallery I

Gallery 1
Gallery 1

The Divine Couple   Seva Kunja Vigreha   Sri Sri Radha-Vinod Bihari Jiu   Sri Sri Radha Vinod-Bihari Jiu   Sri Sri Radha-Vinod Bihari Jiu   Sri Sri Radha-Vinod Bihari Jiu, Durvasa   Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, Yamuna   Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, milan   Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, saavan   Lord Jaganatha   Shri Veda Vyasa, Sanjay   Sanjay, Dhritrashtra  

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Gallery 2
Gallery 2

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Gallery 3
Gallery 3

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This site is maintained by Disciples of Srila Bhaktivedant Narayan Maharaj ji,last updated on 8th October 1998.
© International Goudiya Vedant Trust, All Copyrights reserved.
Best viewed with Netscape/IE 3.0 and above, 800 x 600 resolution.

Gaur Premanande, Hari Hari Bol !!!
