Already the Charmer at 3 Weeks
Wondrous time, I sit and gaze above
This child in my arms
Sweet bundle of love
His breath so sweet upon my cheek
My heart in my throat, I can not speak
This joy so wondrous, my soul leaps high
My hopes for him begin to fly
What deeds, what acts will he be part?
For what things will he be known
Once he's big, and almost grown?
I can only think what may
We will know once it comes, that day
But if love is the seed that grows success
This child of ours is truly blessed.
Linda (NanaLyn)
You can find more poetry written by me by clicking on Poetry
Nicknamed " MR Half-Pint" by Benny (Pop)
Now I know what they mean when they say Grandbabies are a Treasure!!
I'm M.R. Farrar, Just call me Mr.
Michael Wonders What All the Excitement is About
Michael at 6 Weeks. Look at the Little Guy!
Haven't Seen Enough of this Sweet Little Guy? Then Go to Baby Page 2.
Yep, Even a Baby Page 4.If you stick around and keep looking, I believe there are eight pages now (January 2001) and many, many more to come.
All pictures on this site belong exclusively to Linda Wilson and should not be used for any other purpose without her written permission.