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The sole purpose of this page is to make people
stop and think about the ignorance our society
has regarding domestic violence. Think about this...
there are over 3,500 animal shelters and only
approximately 1,200 shelters for women in the US.
Something in our society is very wrong!
We have to readjust our thinking!!!

The following are some statistics of Domestic
Violence cases in the United States.

Every 15 seconds, somewhere in the U.S., a woman is
beaten by her partner, which translates to approximately
5,760 victims beaten daily.

10 women die every day due to Domestic Violence!

Almost four million American women were physically abused by
their husbands or boyfriends in the last year alone.

Women are more often victims of domestic violence than victims
of burglary, muggings, or other physical crimes combined.

95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men.

34% of men and women have directly witnessed an incidence
of domestic violence.

42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate male partners.

30% of women with injuries in an ER were identified
as having injuries caused by battering.

At least 91 out of every 100 domestic violence victims
are women--U.S. Dept. of Justice.

Over 1/3 of the women who are victims of domestic violence
report that their children are also being abused--NCADV.

Every year more than 4,000 women are killed by their partners.

Nationally, businesses lose $3-5 billion annually
in absenteeism due to domestic violence.

Battering is the single major cause of injury to women in
the U.S., more than rapes, muggings, and automobile
accidents combined.

In a 1995 Gallup Survey, 40% of girls ages 14-17 said
they had been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.

25% of suicide attempts by women are related to battering.

Abuse-related medical bills cost hundreds of
millions of dollars annually.

63% of youthful offenders who commit murder do so to kill
the abusers of their mothers.

Approximately 90% of children are aware of the
violence directed at their mother.

Children are present in 41-55% of homes where police
intervene in domestic calls.

Children from violent homes have higher risks of
alcohol/drug abuse and juvenile delinquency.

Family violence is one of the leading causes of
the current homeless epidemic.

Half of all Domestic Violence attacks are never reported to the police.

15-25% of pregnant women are battered.

62% of sons over the age 0f 14 were injured when
they attempted to protect their mothers from being
attacked by an abusive partner.

Over 50% of the homeless women in children in the
United States are fleeling an abusing home.

A women who leave their batterers are at a 75% greater
risk of being killed by their batterers that those that stay.

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