Real Name: Curtis Engstrom

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Biochemist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Keystone City

First Appearance: Flash vol. 2 #71 (December, 1992)

Powers: Alchemist was in possession of the Philosopher's Stone, an enchanted object with the power to transmute any one element into any other element or combinations thereof. Alchemist never had enough time using the Philosopher's Stone to tap into the full range of its' powers.

History: (Flash vol. 2 #71, 72)-Dr. Engstrom was an outside consultant at S.T.A.R. Labs, where scientists were using the Philosopher's Stone confiscated from Dr. Alchemy to design a microminiature medical computer. Engstrom was sorely tempted by these valuable and powerful items, and he stole both the microchip and the Stone. Engstrom couldn't figure out how to access the power of the Philosopher's Stone, and he was soon jailed. While in jail he became embittered toward Moe Migliani, a jailhouse lawyer who intentionally botched Engstrom's case and later stole the microcomputer. Engstrom escaped prison, stole back the Stone and finally made it work. As the Alchemist he attempted twice to kill Migliani, who was under the protection of Flash III. Powerful though he was, the Alchemist's limited understanding of the Stone and his newfound powers led to his defeat. Alchemist was jailed and the Stone was taken away from him again.

List of appearances: Flash vol. 2 #71, 72

Comments: Created by Greg LaRocque & Mark Waid

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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