Real Name: William Everett III

Class: Human mutant

Occupation: Superhero

Group Affiliation: Extreme Justice, formerly Justice League America

Known Relatives: Markus Clay (Amazing-Man, cousin), Jake Everett (great-grandfather), Lula May Everett (great-grandmother), William Everett, Jr. (father, deceased), William Blake Everett (Amazing-Man, grandfather, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: NYC, NY

First Appearance: Justice League America #86 (March, 1994)

Powers: Amazing-Man could absorb inorganic material such as bricks or steel and transform himself into a living, breathing, mobile facsimile of that material. Each transformation was of limited duration, but he could switch almost instantly from one material to another.


(Green Lantern III #81) - Coast City; Amazing Man was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

(Final Night #1) - Superman organized a summit of superheroes, including Amazing Man, to listen to an alien named Dusk. She'd seen the Sun-Eater snuff out the sun of countless planets, and she was there to warn the heroes that the Sun-Eater was headed towards Earth. The heroes discussed different ways to deal with the menace. He could absorb energy, duplicate it, and release it.

Comments: Created by Dan Vado & Marc Campos.

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