Real Name: Ghadrak

Class: Extraterrestrial (Khund)

Occupation: Khundian ambassador to the United Planets

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, 30th Century

First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes II #307 (January, 1984)

Powers: Ghadrak was a wealthy Khund who possessed adequate political skills.

History: After calling in some political favors Gharlak received the cushy job of Khundia's ambassador to the U.P. When the Legion of Super-Heroes invaded Khundia Gharlak protested to Ambassador Relnac, mainly because he feared the Legion discovering Khundia's large caches of illegal weapons of mass destruction. Despite his efforts the Legion did uncover Khundia's armaments.

Due to the events of Zero Hour Ghadrak's existence was erased from DC continuity.

Comments: Created by Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen.

Ambassador Ghadrak received a profile in Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #3.

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